I will purchase these when they hit retail. But I think I will not open mines up. I will leave them sealed in the box.
If they go on clearance then I would purchase another and then open it.
Is it me, or did Lady Jaye's head sculpt as far as detail goes take a big step back from this photo vs. the proto we saw at Toyfair?Example:
Possibly a bad photo? Could be bad paint apps?
Same noggin. The new image lacks paint for the skin tone and the lips, making the head look plainer than the prototype one. As you can see in the photo, the new image has plastic as her skin tone, resultin in a reflective resurface. this causes some paint applications like the white in her eyes hard to see, giving an illusion that the black pupils are next to the flesh colored plastic (like how the characters in the old scooby doo cartoons are depicted.)
Flesh tone paint gives the figure a more realistic look, which is why I prefer that over flesh colored plastic.
Got my answer, while searching for something else on google.
I'm trying to figure out how the MASS Device is going to be split into 5 pieces for this.
So; if this piece comes with the MASS device set:
And if the hand cart also comes with the MASS Device Set:
And if this piece come with the Revenge of Cobra set:
And the thing completed looks like this:
I can see the tank treads, and the cannon thingy being as two other pieces but what's the fifth?
If they were to split up the tank treads or the cannon to make that two sepperate pieces and if each set would have no more than 4 figures each, wouldn't people feel kind of ripped off getting much less for your buck for a different set? Especially if the fifth set only had something stupid like the crystals or something like that.
Nothing a little custom paint job won't fix.
True, but I think that the custom paint tough ups required will be a little too detailed for my skills...
I like the idea and the look of these, but won't be getting them. To much in the way of duplicates, and I would like to think that since Hasbro now has the rights to the cartoon, they'll release the whole series at some point. I can't afford to be buying things twice nowadays. I would have liked the Lady J and the actual equipment, though.
I'm picking them up mostly for the DVD's equipment and MASS device / Weather Dominator parts.
As far the figures go: I'm gonna have Destro replace the Destro in my collection, just the body though, I'll give the head from the 1st Cobra 5 pack (I like that head best, so sue me.). And hopefully I can parts swap together a decent Lady Jaye.
Destro looks coolI bet these will run $25-$30
I ordered mine from HTS for $19.99 each.
Thats it?
The GI Joe and Cobra sets of 5 figures were between $25-$30.So I thought the DVD sets were the same
I'm guesssing after they hit clearance in some places, like TrU temporarily, they retough their marketing strategy and went for a more consumer-friendly price point. Not that the $5 a fig pack was bad, but take a look at the $10 per pack TrU exclusives. They must have seen we caught on about the repaints.
Destro looks coolI bet these will run $25-$30
I ordered mine from HTS for $19.99 each.
Thats it?
The GI Joe and Cobra sets of 5 figures were between $25-$30.So I thought the DVD sets were the same
Destro looks coolI bet these will run $25-$30
I ordered mine from HTS for $19.99 each.
Destro looks coolI bet these will run $25-$30
I thought they were $19.99
ahh, yes I see the radioactive Snake Eyes now
I like the idea and the look of these, but won't be getting them. To much in the way of duplicates, and I would like to think that since Hasbro now has the rights to the cartoon, they'll release the whole series at some point. I can't afford to be buying things twice nowadays. I would have liked the Lady J and the actual equipment, though.