Following up from an
earlier story, Arashikage Storm sends us in more images of his new G.I.Joe DVD Battle sets #1 and #2. You can see all the images below in our
IMAGE GALLERY. Something of particular interest we found in this new batch of images was that of the instruction sheet for the Weather Dominator set. On it we see listed the names for all 5 of the DVD sets Hasbro plans to release in this series. As previously reported, each set will come with a part to build the M.A.S.S. Device.
Listed on the insturctions are the following:
Set 1: 65296 "The M.A.S.S. Device" Console & Element Containers
Set 2: 65297 "The Revenge Of Cobra" Generator
Set 3: 65907 "Arise Serpentor Arise!" Control Turret
Set 4: 65908 "Pyramid Of Darkness" Transport Chassis
Set 5: 65909 "G.I.Joe - Best Of Episodes" Beam Emitter
No word yet on what figures will come with each set, but maybe we will find out more next week at the 2008 JoeCon which starts next Thursday in Dallas Texas. Be sure to catch complete coverage of the show right here at TNI.
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