personally, these are just taking up shelf space.
cool store
yeah vinyl can be expensive...thats y i stick just to artists i like. ledbetter, sam flores, tara mcpherson...........I was happy when i got the lava unicornasuares (sp?) at comic con
Oh, forgot to validate my point: an old friend of mine owns an urban vinyl/comic/statue shop in Orlando, and he said he's seen people coming in looking for Muggs and buying other pieces.
Shameless plug:
As for JJ's point about stepping on the toes of the urban vinyl market, I don't think that these will really do anything except bring more interest to the artists' world. People may first associate with Muggs, but see a Kidrobot toy and think "man, that would look great next to Cap". I, personally, love vinyl toys, but they are outside of my price range mostly. I have a few smaller ones that I enjoy, but when I can fill my shelf with SW,Marvel, Indy and Joe Muggs for about the same price as one or two "designer" toys, my decision is made.
dude, im on that snake-eyes like a rash
Yeah, and I think you nailed the other thing I like about them; I like the different character designs being applied to this one, uniform shape and size.
im glad that mighty muggs are doing well.....I just dont like that its stepping on the toes of the vinyl community....where this type of thing started. This type of art style is basicaly what urban art style is headed and mighty muggs is kinda taking that idea and putting towards their licensed things and mass producing them and hopefuly not bringing down the whole market. But im glad that mighty muggs is keeping the production runs low and wont flood sdcc the iron man and the peter parker sold out.
think of it like this mighty muggs are like a blank canvas and you paint on them....hasbro has opted for comic the urban art world it would not be somethign that is licensed, artist would do something that they a painter or artist drawing on paper...but the paper is this figure.....look into and ull see that this type of of "collectable" trend is huge and is very sought after and can go way up more in price than any figure...cuz these are considered art.
I've been tempted to get the Star Wars ones; I definitely see the appeal, although I can't quite put my finger on why I personally like them so much. I think I just dig the simple design that features a cool, artsy rendition of each given character. It's quirky yet cool. But like DPrime said, I just don't have the shelf space for something like that. But I do like them...
These aren't for all tastes. They're a great mash-up of urban design, retro, and a variety of licenses. And the price is much better than most "designer" toys. I have most of the Muggs so far, and I love them. My self looks great with Indy next to Han Solo next to Captain America.
Great description, could not agree more. So far I have the SW waves (MM) and will get the joes one and perhaps a few transformers. Right now I have my kidrobot gorrilaz next to my iron man and gree MM that I got at SDCC. It is cool to display them. I am glad that we are getting these and already pre ordered mine as well as the combat heros, more Joe stuff to enjoy IMO.
These look really bad to me. The one's I've seen in stores around here NEVER sell. I don't know if people collect them elsewhere, but to me they just seem like a waste of shelf space. I'll pass on these.