I would love to get these but I gotta stay focus on the main line. The main line is pretty expensive as a collective lot and it doesn't seem like Hasbro will be taking a break anytime soon. And it doesn't help with all that gas expenditures to get to the stores to see if they got it or not. LOL. Hasbro and Oil Cartel must be in it together. hmmm? #US1# #US1# #US1#
So... explain to me again why the actual, functional GI Joe line doesn't get new molds for every figure, is made to suffer with loads of repaints, and has to put up with a host of inaccuracies on nearly every figure... yet, artistic style of the figures aside, this line has none of that.Please, explain to me why the preschool line that is based on the property is receiving more effort than the line that is the bread and butter of the property. Explain it to me in a way that won't make my head explode.
That is the exact thing that I'm thinking. Yeah they're adorable, but why doesn't the main line get this kind of attention?!
I think the little Adventure Hero type lines are cool.
Not enough to actually buy them, but they are very cute.
I may just get all of those
Destro looks really good! I'll probably pick up most of these.
I don't know, I kind of like them. Since the 25th Mass Device is so small, I might have them use it instead of the regular figures.
Though, I wonder if the expenditure for such a line is worth it, considering this line seems focused on collectors? I could be wrong, but it seems like alot of the frivilous kid-catching measures taken during the VvV days (storybooks, backpacks, talking 12" figures, ect) that ultimately didn't work out?Tom
Despite what Hasbro says, a good portion of the 'Heroes' lines are going to the adults/collectors. I won't deny popularity with kids, but they likely only account for half the actual buyers/receivers of the lines.
That's what makes it so aggravating to me- Hasbro is putting out another line for collectors when a good portion of collectors have doubts that they are doing a good job with the line they have now. I might add that we're talking about a line format that has repeatedly proven it's success and versatility, rather than a line that has the single gimmick of 'cuteness' and when that gets old... nothing.
Anyone having watched the Sunbow series knows that "war" depicted there is anyhting but the horror it actually is. Besides that, the tone of todays entertainment geared towards kids is a lesson in contradiction. Animals being friends - some of which eat one another, the lion king for example - Dinosaurs being cute when in fact they weren't. I still have nightmares about the Tele-tubbies. Point is that kind of "nitpicking" goes too far when trying to make a case that these aren't good for kids because they glorify war. We played with them when we were kids...Hell ost of the people visiting this site have but I like to think I'm no worse a person because of it.
There is an entire world of difference between a 6 or 7 year old arming his fantasy soldier figures and having them do battle, and a 3 year old pointing gun-wielding Campbell's Soup kids at each other. I will again concede the number of adult buyers, but the mere fact that a good portion of the demographic they're trying to sell this to is the preschool crowd just isn't sitting well with me.
Though, I wonder if the expenditure for such a line is worth it, considering this line seems focused on collectors? I could be wrong, but it seems like alot of the frivilous kid-catching measures taken during the VvV days (storybooks, backpacks, talking 12" figures, ect) that ultimately didn't work out?Tom
These type of figures seem to sell fairly well w/ transformers and star wars fans; it seems logical that hasbro would make a similar line for gijoe.
And not to come off as though I'm defending the Heroes line. I'm not. I'm indifferent toward it and don't think it's worth the aggravation.
Anyone having watched the Sunbow series knows that "war" depicted there is anyhting but the horror it actually is.
I can verify that G.I. Joe depicts combat like Star Wars depicts the space program. @loll@