What happened to Resolute Zap?
I am confused as to what the "Resolute" figures are. Are these just comic book versions of the GI JOE characters?Thanks
Resolute will be an online G.I. Joe cartoon.
I'm looking forward to seeing some pics of this wave.
Yeh I agree. I am currently only interested in the classic figures and could really go without having to buy another storm shadow or cobra commander etc in order to get a figure I want. I am hoping to get a complete 25th Ann. set to display next to my orginal 80's era figures. I have to admit I will more then likely pick up the Matt Tracker figure though since I still have my orginal from my childhood.
Does anyone else think that on some of the figures the quality has been better then when the 25th Ann series started? I think Bazooka is a great example as being a better quality figure then lets say firefly. Maybe its just me.
I am confused as to what the "Resolute" figures are. Are these just comic book versions of the GI JOE characters?
Could this be the Duke they're talking about? Showed up mysteriously on the Hisstank boards awhile ago with some other figures that seem to have turned out genuine.
Holy crap! If this IS the Duke from this wave then I may change my optimistic approval of it. I for one like any and all new figures I can get, but this picture doesn't quite capture the 'look' I imagined for the Resolute figures. I support repaints, but good repaints. Some of the comic series have just been plain terrible. Time will only tell if I cancel my order or not.
I must say, unless the Resolute figures are extremely different, in a good way. My purse will be happy for this wave. I only want the Blowtorch figure.
The upside to this wave is this. I will be able to take the extra money i will be saving and use it to pick up some of the new vehicles coming out.
Could this be the Duke they're talking about? Showed up mysteriously on the Hisstank boards awhile ago with some other figures that seem to have turned out genuine.
I'm vaguely excited about Blowtorch because he's a new character, but I can't help but feel this wave is a huge waste. With only a few slots before the movie line begins, we get guys we've been getting since the line started? If Resolute is supposed to be online only, do they really think kids are going to know what Resolute versions are when they show up?
With a limited time left and a couple of characters with all their parts already made(*cough*SHOCKWAVE*cough*) just waiting on Hasbro to make them, this just seems ridiculous. The new line has proved itself, Joes are more popular than they've been since the original line, but they're going to risk our goodwill and a proven success on a movie line, especially after repaints galore before the movie line begins? What planet are they from where they think this will work, and what convinced them to pack up and leave?
As far as internet exclusives go, The Desert Squad and the Arctic Squad (both are 7 Figures Set) will be the only ones that you'll have to buy online. You won't find those in stores. #US1# #US1# #US1#
I'm interested in Blowtrorch, but that's it.
Where the heck are the new characters? It looks like Hasbro just wants to fleece collectors with garbage until the movie comes out.