I am digging all of these figures except Zartan.
for the most part (except Zartan), they are all improvements or just different enough for me to want them
i dig em but why are we again getting more of the same figures !
I'm in for both. No zartan has pleased me yet, and sinc e i'm going to end up custimizing one, might as well do it with this one as the base (more black)Baroness looks great, and i have no 25th one on display the others were crap
the viper is nice, and will stand with 2 of the other vipers on either side as a mini-squad leader. I like shiny.
Stormy's arms have been fixed! both upper and lower! i will likely replace my custom iwth this stormy (after painitng the grey white) and use the custom for some other ninja.
cc... WHY HASBRO WHY? at least they could have made him black or something. eck! i don't care if it's homage to the original look or not, i hat the mid belt and the gun hole in the back.
Joes: Lady jaye looks great, other than that looks like custom fodder, but i'll probably grab.
Yeah Storm shadow is fixed! Let's all celebrate? He's now no longer original figure or comic accurate! Just what I've never wanted or needed. YES!
Hopefully They ditch this cartoony POS Snake Eyes head sculpt and give this body and V2 2007 head sculpt the all black with grey trim treatment in the Hall of Heroes. If not we can always take this five pack body and the put 2007 head on ourselfs. Thus creating the perfect 1985 Snake Eyes remake.
That Shipwreck, are his legs new molds or old ones from another figure? I need to find out who has the double-strap holster on the right side!
I'm in for both. No zartan has pleased me yet, and sinc e i'm going to end up custimizing one, might as well do it with this one as the base (more black)
Baroness looks great, and i have no 25th one on display the others were crap
the viper is nice, and will stand with 2 of the other vipers on either side as a mini-squad leader. I like shiny.
Stormy's arms have been fixed! both upper and lower! i will likely replace my custom iwth this stormy (after painitng the grey white) and use the custom for some other ninja.
cc... WHY HASBRO WHY? at least they could have made him black or something. eck! i don't care if it's homage to the original look or not, i hat the mid belt and the gun hole in the back.
Joes: Lady jaye looks great, other than that looks like custom fodder, but i'll probably grab.
I love pretty much the entire 25th line but neither of these sets is even remotely interesting. They issued these figures already (granted they tweaked a few of these) but they are basically the same.Lets get some new figures rolling and not just Storm Shadows, Cobra Commanders and Snake Eyes. There are so many waaaaayy cool Joe & Cobra figures yet to be put into this line that more of the same just leaves me......bored. Keel Haul, Cover Girl, Alley Viper, Night Viper, Footloose, Professor Venom, Kwinn, Wet Suit, Payload, Jinx, Lifeline, Tunnel Rat...the list goes on. I would love to see 1 of these instead of an 11th Stormie or 9th Snake Eyes.
Now granted, after having just shot my mouth off like some fool, I will end up getting them (as the completionist in me will not let me do otherwise). It will just be in 8 or 9 months when I can pick them up for a fraction of the price on Ebay.
This. I wouldn't mind if they started putting out more box sets of figures, either. Those are a pretty nice way to grab some figures. And I'm not saying this because I want a Dreadnok box set. Not at all. The entire Dreadnok gang--complete with Dreadhead troops--doesn't sway me one bit. Not at all.
I noticed that all these figures are repaints and fixes. But is that enough of a warrant to spend money on getting them
I love pretty much the entire 25th line but neither of these sets is even remotely interesting. They issued these figures already (granted they tweaked a few of these) but they are basically the same.
Lets get some new figures rolling and not just Storm Shadows, Cobra Commanders and Snake Eyes. There are so many waaaaayy cool Joe & Cobra figures yet to be put into this line that more of the same just leaves me......bored. Keel Haul, Cover Girl, Alley Viper, Night Viper, Footloose, Professor Venom, Kwinn, Wet Suit, Payload, Jinx, Lifeline, Tunnel Rat...the list goes on. I would love to see 1 of these instead of an 11th Stormie or 9th Snake Eyes.
Now granted, after having just shot my mouth off like some fool, I will end up getting them (as the completionist in me will not let me do otherwise). It will just be in 8 or 9 months when I can pick them up for a fraction of the price on Ebay.
I think these have just enough tweaks to justify getting them.
Viper: Definately need to army build him. Too bad I wasted so much #$%$% money on the crap hand ones.
Zartan: I THINK (no quotes, I can't recall where I read/saw it) the armor has some color change gimmick. I hope that's just wierd colors because the close are too pink.
Cobra Commander's Cape: Hell that's all anyone cares about here.
Baroness: The first 2 versions were utter crap. This one is at least decent, from the pic.
Storm Shadow's Nunchuks: While not as boring as Cobra Commander, there isn't much to say about this figure, other than the new accessory.
Shipwreck: He looks quite different, but hard to tell if its an improvement or not. At least they got rid of that stupid fist. And Polly is worth it if Shipwreck isn't.
Flint: Better late then never? At least he wasn't as expensive as the Viper.
Hawk: I wonder if they fixed his gimp hand.
Lady Jaye: They closed up her shirt. Nothing, really, to say about the figure.
Snake Eyes: Didn't we just get him in that DVD set? At least Timber gets a new mold. I still don't understand why they couldn't add articulation though.