I don't quite get the arguemtn that G.I. Joe will be MOVIE ONLY product. Transformers wasn't. While it is true that Transformers is more popular, I don't see it as THAT much of a problem to do more than just movie.Maybe I'm just an imbecile about it though....
It's not exactly "movie only" product though that's how people are choosing to see it, but rather "movie-themed" product. Anything that Transformers had out during the movie period that wasn't in movie packaging was either an exclusive or a leftover. Anyway, Hasbro's already said that starting in summer '08, all Joe product is shifting to "movie themed" products (with the possible exception of exclusives). They'll have movie packaging, and figures may be colored/sculpted to "fit in" with the other movie characters. Hasbro's also said that once the movie line has run its' course, they'll be going back to "classic" product to some degree or another, possibly mixed in with movie product.
Either way, the vast bulk of the Joe toys coming out this year are going to be movie-themed toys. We'll get classic stuff for the first 4-6 months or so, then it'll switch over and likely stay that way at least through the holiday season, if not all the way till next summer.
One thing I don't like though (if the speculation is true about the Ferret), is that they are giving us iconic vehicles in crappy color schemes and with big hunks of junky, spring-loaded weapons attached. Why not just give us the REAL thing? It worked 20 years ago. Why can't it work now? Have kids lost their imagination? I know I felt like Hasbro was kicking me in the balls back in the early 90's when they decided that I no longer had an imagination and introduced spring-loaded weapons, and "battle sound" backpacks. sad.gif
Simple answer: It's not 20 years ago.
Honestly guys n' gals, if all G.I. Joe had to do to be wildly successful was release nothing but classic product, then the 25A line should be more successful than it already is, hoarding shelf-space that matches or exceeds Star Wars and Transformers. It doesn't. If it were that simple, Hasbro would be doing it. The toy industry doesn't work the same way it did 20 years ago.
And honestly, if you don't believe that Hasbro will repurpose that "movie Ferret" mold to create a "classic Ferret" at some point (probably sooner rather than later), you must not be talking about the same Hasbro the rest of us are. You'll get the "real" thing. You may just have to have a little patience.
I don't quite get the arguemtn that G.I. Joe will be MOVIE ONLY product. Transformers wasn't. While it is true that Transformers is more popular, I don't see it as THAT much of a problem to do more than just movie.
Maybe I'm just an imbecile about it though....
As for the pics, we have ONE pic of a couple of figures. We know NOTHING else. Why don't we actually see what things like like closer to, like, release before saying how bad these are. If you look at 25th Viper, Resolute Duke and a few other 25th figures, those guys are pretty generic (body wise) as well. Then you layer on jackets or vests or webgear.
I don't hear complaints about how the Viper's body sucks (well besides the arms, but we won't go there) without the vest.
what a joke
These seem to be hand painted protos and as we all know, things change. So its likely they'll alter things for when the movie line really kicks off
Personally I have no problems with the molds other than the headsculpts which look terrible. The bodies themselves look nice. Breaker could use a little more bulk though, kinda skinny as is. I`ll pick them up for custom fodder, i'm really liking the legs on Baroness.
From everyone's responses to these, it makes me wonder how GIJoe will survive a whole year of nothing but movie stuff?
Personally I have no problems with the molds other than the headsculpts which look terrible. The bodies themselves look nice. Breaker could use a little more bulk though, kinda skinny as is. I`ll pick them up for custom fodder, i'm really liking the legs on Baroness.
Well, this just proves to me that my first instincts were right, unless the movie itself completely changes my view, the whole thing is going to flop!! From the outfits, to the actors, the whole movie and subsequent merchandise looks awful and should just be avoided at all costs!!! Sure they had a hit with Transformers, maybe they might get lucky again, but I doubt it!!
I can see why I never get movie related figures...
Hello, Mr. Hasbro rep.This coming from a self-professed movie line hater. (Except for Star Wars, of course, "Darth.")
These figures look like they're based on the movie. I'm pretty sure that's the goal and it appears they're succeeding. You don't like it then, like you said, you can spend your money on other Hasbro product. I'm sure their real reps appreciate the business.
You're not actually threatened by people who LIKE these figures, are you? I mean, growing the fan base can't be a bad thing, can it?
No, not at all.
Actually, I hope the movie blows up like the TF movie did. Heck, the TF movie got me interested in Transformers.
As I've said before, I've never been one for movie figures...cause they really lack any imagination...they're just not for me. I'll critique them like crazy...but if it helps the line, then all the better.
One thing I don't like though (if the speculation is true about the Ferret), is that they are giving us iconic vehicles in crappy color schemes and with big hunks of junky, spring-loaded weapons attached. Why not just give us the REAL thing? It worked 20 years ago. Why can't it work now? Have kids lost their imagination? I know I felt like Hasbro was kicking me in the balls back in the early 90's when they decided that I no longer had an imagination and introduced spring-loaded weapons, and "battle sound" backpacks.
Hello, Mr. Hasbro rep.
This coming from a self-professed movie line hater. (Except for Star Wars, of course, "Darth.")
These figures look like they're based on the movie. I'm pretty sure that's the goal and it appears they're succeeding. You don't like it then, like you said, you can spend your money on other Hasbro product. I'm sure their real reps appreciate the business.
You're not actually threatened by people who LIKE these figures, are you? I mean, growing the fan base can't be a bad thing, can it?