MAJOR SPOILER: "G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra" 3 3/4" Cobra Commander Figure Revealed

by Jay Cochran
March 25, 2009
Thanks to eBay seller ws_toys, we now have our first official look at the upcoming 3 3/4" G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra Cobra Commander figure. This is a pretty big SPOILER for the movie. If you don't want to see what the Cobra leader will look like in the movie, then DON'T scroll down and check out the images below in our GALLERY.

G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra opens in theaters on 07/08/09.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
punishment-101 - 2009-03-31 @ 10:08 pm

wow....that figure....

I think I'm gonna throw up....actually vomiting on that piece of plastic might make it more appealing definitely couldn't hurt it that's for dang sure

I suppose there is one bright part to the movie though, hes supposed to be the shadowy background villian pulling strings, so we won't see the abomination that is movie CC on screen tooo much *hopefully* @hmmm@

Doom Saber - 2009-03-30 @ 9:30 pm

Some adaptions like TF and Gi joe is completely different from the original source simply

If you think about it, the transformers and gi joe cartoons/comics were created to sell action figures. With that in mind, the stories used for those adaptions may not work for a movie adaption. A comicbook aimed for 9-15 and a cartoon for 4-12 year olds wouldn't be good source material for a movie that is aimed for 13-26 year olds.

The joe movie is made to sell a movie, as well as to make some extra money from action figure sales. Unlike the cartoon and the cb series, the the success of the movie is independent from action figure sales. If the movie toys do not sell well, it would not hurt the movie wheraas if the action figures do poorly, the cartoon would either get a revamp with a new gimmick or ends.

wolverine2281 - 2009-03-30 @ 8:36 pm

I think it would be awesome if all of the characters from the 80's were in it and had they're original costumes

pogoman - 2009-03-30 @ 8:33 pm

did anyone catch the G.I.Joe Movie Game trailer?

that pretty much nails the quality of this movie.

yo joe.

shokker - 2009-03-30 @ 8:21 pm

well i wasnt pleased with stormshadow at all and destro has no expression on his mask. sienna miller looks like a popgirl from an mtv video. i can tell that this cobra commander doesnt looks like a leader but more like a wrong experiment. i am in love with the late 80's joe. those realy had something. every guy had his own uniform and everyone knew what they could do. the joe's in the movie look like some power rangers robocop wannabe's. still i want to let my mind open. i dont think that i am gonna enjoy it much, having the the 80's in mind. who knows maybe i will like it after all but seeing the joe's jumping like kangorus, realy makes me wonder if this will be good. i said that street fighter will be a flop and i guess the fans cryed when they saw it(even van damme had more to offer). dragonball will be next dissapointment i guess. gijoe had more money to it then the other 2, so it will be (like the mummy and van helsing) a real fun action packed, entertained, special effects overblasting, enjoyable movie. nothing less, nothing more.

Stevy Maximus - 2009-03-30 @ 7:56 pm
who is to say that audiences won't see ANY action flick called GiJoe?

(most movies make most of their money based on the first couple weeks, and that is due to how appealing the trailers are, not really the quality of the movie itself).

you can't say that the changes will or won't make it anymore successful than a RAH GiJoe movie. It's impossible to tell unless you have both. That's science! @lol@

If that were the case, then you have a film with even less to do with the 80s property than the one we have now. And I'd bet the fans would complain even more AND you would loose the visually iconic characters like Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow.

There are numerous problem with your "experiment". If two different styles of film were released at once, you end up cannibalizing returns from one or both as people decide which one to go to. You release them at different times of the year, then if one is considered "bad" (which for all you know could end up the "classic" version), the performance of the brand as a whole is effected by word of mouth about the "bad GI Joe movie". Why would someone see ANOTHER GI Joe movie if the one they saw earlier was a piece of crap?

Then there's toys. I feel the toy sales will have a big impact on the overall success of the property (both movie and after), but with multiple movies (and if fans had their way, the classic figures as well), you'd have two or three CONFLICTING toylines on sale at the same time. So now, when little Timmy says "I want GI Joe" the parents have to pick up one of three conflicting figures.

And if they don't care what it is, then your data becomes flawed because there is no clear way to determine if the sale was determined by the success of one of the films. Same reason Hasbro only marketed movie-style Transformers toys following summer 2007.

Besides, to compete, the films either have drastically reduced budgets, or the studio would spend DOUBLE on an unproven property, there are the conflicting marketing costs,

So basically, the entire idea of your "experiment" is dramatically flawed.

CLAM - 2009-03-29 @ 8:55 pm
You can "honestly believe" whatever you want. By late August we'll have a pretty good idea about who had a better idea of what general audiences were looking for.

no, we won't.

to get any idea what movie goers prefer, we would need two GiJoe movies to be release simultaneously, one more closely based on the source material and the other "rise of cobra."

Wrong again.

If Rise of Cobra is highly successful (financially speaking), then it inarguably appealed to general audiences, and Hollywood is validated (from a moneymaking perspective) for whatever changes they made to the property.

who is to say that audiences won't see ANY action flick called GiJoe?

(most movies make most of their money based on the first couple weeks, and that is due to how appealing the trailers are, not really the quality of the movie itself).

you can't say that the changes will or won't make it anymore successful than a RAH GiJoe movie. It's impossible to tell unless you have both. That's science! @lol@

Jmacq1 - 2009-03-29 @ 5:42 pm
You can "honestly believe" whatever you want. By late August we'll have a pretty good idea about who had a better idea of what general audiences were looking for.

no, we won't.

to get any idea what movie goers prefer, we would need two GiJoe movies to be release simultaneously, one more closely based on the source material and the other "rise of cobra."

Wrong again.

If Rise of Cobra is highly successful (financially speaking), then it inarguably appealed to general audiences, and Hollywood is validated (from a moneymaking perspective) for whatever changes they made to the property.

RobbieDigital - 2009-03-29 @ 4:53 pm
ok take a look at watchmen........awsome any fan of the book would love the movie....but the general audiance didnt think so it had disappointing numbers. so they ahve to cahnge things around to appeal to a greater mass. did you see v for vendetta? you didnt think it was weird that the main character in the movie you oculdnt see any expression at alldont you think some peopel lost soem of the emotion and suff cuz they werent able to see facial expressions.

so thats y i think they went for the battle helmet sans hat prt and with eye holes, as for why not the cloth over the ehad idk maybe they will have it too.

You can't use Watchmen as an example........they marketed it like an action movie......and its not. I know a lot of people went thinking they were going to get X-men and got a 2 and a half hour movie deconstructing the super-hero mind. Watchmen was pretty deep.......and I think it went over a lot of peoples heads. The fact that it was loyal to the book didn't hurt its was the story/movie in general. A lot of people didn't "Get" it.

I had to tell a couple people I worked with to not take their kids to it......."My kids like superheros, they should like it" I was like NOOOOOOO!!! The general public was more concerned with Doc Manhattan's blue thingy than anything.

DPrime - 2009-03-29 @ 1:32 pm

Meh, not a fan. I will admit that my opinion is tainted by nostalgia, and would prefer a more classic look to him, but overall, I think the look is overdesigned to the point that it doesn't look at all cool to me.

I thought the same thing about the Transformers, too. Still do. I think they're just trying too hard. Who knows, though. A lot of the other iconic characters, like Destro, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow and the Baroness, have more or less retained their original look. I wouldn't be surprised if we see another, more classic-inspired CC look in the movie or its sequels.

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