I hope to see these, just because I want Shipwreck, but, then again, Palisades was set to make a Shipwreck bust before they lost the rights, and I didn't get one.
Not holding my breath, but if they do get released, I'm in for 2 Shipwrecks.
Actually just to be clear these are PR images just released, not images from an asian dealer
If TNI posts images from an asian dealer or auction site we post it as such.
Actually just to be clear these are PR images just released, not images from an asian dealer
Hi I just got off the phone with Hasbro @smilepunch@ , and the operator told me that the combat heroes wave 3 was discontinued. None of the wave 3 figures made it into the united states at all. @grumpy@ They discounted production early on back in December. So the only ones that have ever shown up for photos were on an Chinese site, and by the few lucky people who purchased them there. Also toy wiz and bigbadtoystore have canceled all their preorders and refunded customers.
I haven't bought any yet, but Shipwreck will be my first. now if I can just get a Shippy Mighty Mugg!
all the Targets here have been swimming in them for months
G.I.Joe Combat Heroes Series 3 Carded & Loose ImagesView the full article
Try K-Marts. That's the only place I've been able to find them. Don't know if you have them in Canada, though.
If I worked for Hasbro I would have packaged a couple sets differently:
Commando Snake-Eyes Vs. Cobra Commander (Hooded)
Gung-Ho Vs. Viper
We used to, but I think they're all gone now... I went to a K-Mart in Maine a couple of weeks ago, to no avail...
So far I've only seen wave 1, in TRU and Walmart.
Anyway, I would have packaged the army-builders together. I probably would have bought a few more Cobra Soldiers if that had been the case.
Funtastic! I love these little guys, and I cried super-deformed tears when we were told they were cancelled... seems like Hasbro's reworked their distribution for figures that were cancelled by the stores in the change-over to Movie stuff back in the winter. Good news for chibi-lovers like me.
G.I.Joe Combat Heroes Series 3 Carded & Loose ImagesView the full article
Try K-Marts. That's the only place I've been able to find them. Don't know if you have them in Canada, though.
If I worked for Hasbro I would have packaged a couple sets differently:
Commando Snake-Eyes Vs. Cobra Commander (Hooded)
Gung-Ho Vs. Viper
Nice! Now if only I could find wave 2...