what the heck... we have seen all these Resolute figures from china.. now Hasbro says that there will be NO Resolute figures in 2009????With all the massive amount of product that has leaked in the last few months, there was no way some of it wasn't going to slip into 2010.
Wave 14 and the Resolute stuff got canned when Wal-Mart (and maybe the other retailers) decided not to continue ordering any new product after Christmas. Such is the power of Wally World. Hasbro was stuck with a few samples that they couldn't really do anything with (Not enough of them to sell at any sort of mass retail). Those samples got stolen from the factory, and voila...leaked figures that we may or may not have been getting anytime soon.
That is a theory on what happened. Not fact.
It's an educated guess. Do you have a better, more logical explanation that doesn't involve outlandish conspiracy theories or ludicrous allegations that Hasbro is out to deliberately screw the fans?
The fact that there are/were carded samples is enough to show us that Hasbro intended to produce these as single-carded assortments. The fact that we have various products that had previously shown up in retailers' computers tells us that they were solicited as separate products. The fact that Wal-Mart clearanced most of their DVD and Vehicle packs after Christmas and reduced the shelf-space available to Joe product in many of their stores tells us their support for the line was reduced to a minimal level following the holidays. Maybe it was more than just Wal-Mart, maybe it wasn't, but quite frankly a lack of retailer support for further assortments prior to the movie is the only logical explanation for what's happened here. Hasbro isn't going to cancel product if retailers want it.
There's also the fact that Hasbro's told us many times that it's ordinarily a year to a year and a half for a product to go from development to store shelves. They most certainly plan out their assortments six months to a year in advance (given that we've had products showing up in retailer computers that far out or further). So logically speaking, the movie assortments were already pretty much decided upon when the further Resolute single-cards were axed. So now Hasbro is left looking for the earliest "slots" they can fit them into...slots that don't open up until early 2010 (or perhaps even later).
Maybe they'll be able to finagle the Resolute figures into an exclusive of some kind (since the molds and paint masks and such are already done), but as far as single-cards in the ongoing line...6+ months for a product that became "homeless" isn't at all unusual.
Of course Hasbro intended to produce them as single cards. They also intended to produce the DTC wave 4 but we never "officially" got them. And, no, I don't consider the con as "officially" getting them.
what the heck... we have seen all these Resolute figures from china.. now Hasbro says that there will be NO Resolute figures in 2009????With all the massive amount of product that has leaked in the last few months, there was no way some of it wasn't going to slip into 2010.
Wave 14 and the Resolute stuff got canned when Wal-Mart (and maybe the other retailers) decided not to continue ordering any new product after Christmas. Such is the power of Wally World. Hasbro was stuck with a few samples that they couldn't really do anything with (Not enough of them to sell at any sort of mass retail). Those samples got stolen from the factory, and voila...leaked figures that we may or may not have been getting anytime soon.
That is a theory on what happened. Not fact.
It's an educated guess. Do you have a better, more logical explanation that doesn't involve outlandish conspiracy theories or ludicrous allegations that Hasbro is out to deliberately screw the fans?
The fact that there are/were carded samples is enough to show us that Hasbro intended to produce these as single-carded assortments. The fact that we have various products that had previously shown up in retailers' computers tells us that they were solicited as separate products. The fact that Wal-Mart clearanced most of their DVD and Vehicle packs after Christmas and reduced the shelf-space available to Joe product in many of their stores tells us their support for the line was reduced to a minimal level following the holidays. Maybe it was more than just Wal-Mart, maybe it wasn't, but quite frankly a lack of retailer support for further assortments prior to the movie is the only logical explanation for what's happened here. Hasbro isn't going to cancel product if retailers want it.
There's also the fact that Hasbro's told us many times that it's ordinarily a year to a year and a half for a product to go from development to store shelves. They most certainly plan out their assortments six months to a year in advance (given that we've had products showing up in retailer computers that far out or further). So logically speaking, the movie assortments were already pretty much decided upon when the further Resolute single-cards were axed. So now Hasbro is left looking for the earliest "slots" they can fit them into...slots that don't open up until early 2010 (or perhaps even later).
Maybe they'll be able to finagle the Resolute figures into an exclusive of some kind (since the molds and paint masks and such are already done), but as far as single-cards in the ongoing line...6+ months for a product that became "homeless" isn't at all unusual.
this is BS, can someone tell me how to go about getting a resolute snake eyes from China. I don't have time to wait for all that movie trash to move off shelves, before I might have a chance at getting him. Thanks
you can spend $300 on ebay lol
or talk to this guy:
he has been hooking people up with a lot of good stuff lately. one of the MODs over at TD buys from him and has no complaints
this is BS, can someone tell me how to go about getting a resolute snake eyes from China. I don't have time to wait for all that movie trash to move off shelves, before I might have a chance at getting him. Thanks
what the heck... we have seen all these Resolute figures from china.. now Hasbro says that there will be NO Resolute figures in 2009????With all the massive amount of product that has leaked in the last few months, there was no way some of it wasn't going to slip into 2010.
Wave 14 and the Resolute stuff got canned when Wal-Mart (and maybe the other retailers) decided not to continue ordering any new product after Christmas. Such is the power of Wally World. Hasbro was stuck with a few samples that they couldn't really do anything with (Not enough of them to sell at any sort of mass retail). Those samples got stolen from the factory, and voila...leaked figures that we may or may not have been getting anytime soon.
That is a theory on what happened. Not fact.
I always imagine a robot's voice whenever I read those responses.That..
or like we just put a coin in the machine and got their reply on a little card?
Put your 4 quarters in the slot (Hasbro answers don't come cheap)..
Ask your question..
Get your response..
and yet these Q&A's continue to generate interest as though they might tell us something? @loll@
ahhhh that just made my day lol
It also reminded me that i havent seen that movie in a while. I should probably get on that
"our team is very hard at work and we are excited at the thought of these being possibly available in the future or maybe not
I always imagine a robot's voice whenever I read those responses.
or like we just put a coin in the machine and got their reply on a little card?
Put your 4 quarters in the slot (Hasbro answers don't come cheap)..
Ask your question..
Get your response..
and yet these Q&A's continue to generate interest as though they might tell us something? @loll@
Night Force Falcon? Guess he might show up as part of the "Headquarters for Heroes" line. Or get back-burnered for a "Night Force" set somewhere down the road.Headquarters for Heroes?
Yep. From what's been seen, "Headquarters for Heroes" is an exclusive assortment of figures that will be sold at Toys R Us. They seem to be comprised of mostly-classic figures with some slight sculpting tweaks/different parts (not -new- parts, just different parts) and new paint jobs (and on movie packaging). So far they've shown Barbecue and Firefly as part of the line. The Firefly looks pretty nice (uses Resolute Trooper parts), the Barbecue...not so much.
You guys see these:
Q: TRU Viper 5 pack: Thanks for "Mercer" and thanks for the gold visored officer, but the hands guys, the hands..bottom line what the community wants to know is if they are they coming out with fixed hands or not? The initial pics indicate same old hands. If not new hands, why? Tooling issue? Cost issue? The fact it is a store exclusive? No escaping now...shoot straight with us.Answer:
Shooting straight.based on only being able to deliver a certain number of exclusives to TRU this item was cut in place of exclusives that will be shown at Comic-Con. It seemed like fans had enough vipers and we wanted to do something special. The set it was replaced with will be a set that has Footloose!
That was a "straight answer" but it was still bull. "Fans had enough Vipers"? WTF? Fans wanted FIXED Vipers. The only reason "fans had enough" is because we didn't expect to GET fixed ones (especially after the Tele-Viper). And, yes, I'm aware there are people don't care about the hands.
Q: A good number of the online fandom as skipping the movie line entirely. Obviously, The 25th anniversary/Modern Era line was a huge success for them but you are gearing the movie line toward a different consumer - the kids of course - we get that. Our question is if the movie line isn't as big of a success will this be an end to G.I. Joe or will Hasbro go back to the classic toy line? In other words, how closely tied to the success of the movie is the life of the line tied to?Answer:
For the line to achieve the success of the 80's (number of figures, large vehicles, playsets) the best chance for this is the success of the movie.
This one was just good for a whiner laugh.
As a dio site, there's nothing the people here love more than having an awesome setting to shoot figures in. The old Headquarters, Terrordrome, USS Flagg, Mobile Command Center and even Tactical Battle Platform are popular pieces, granted the photographer has them. However, recent playsets (notjust Hasbro's, but many companies's) seem to be focused on just being a faade with a handful of gimmicks, but very little in way of "put the figures in there and play out a scenario" (which I believe children and adults alike would enjoy). The "Conquest Of Cobra Mountain" playset from a few years back, the "Akator" playset from the Indiana Jones toyline and even the upcoming (and expensive!!) PITT playset from Rise Of Cobra are primeexamples of such deficient playsets.
Different safety laws and cost issues may prevent Hasbro from re-issuing things like the Terrodrome and the FLAGG, but might there any plans to create new playsets that could have the "playtime versatility" (for lackof an existing term) that GIJoe playsets of yesteryear had?
The short answer istoday's playsets are created for kids to create a world of 3 3/4'' with. We do testing to understand how kids play and what they want and deliver it to them. That said, once you get your hands on the new G.I. Joe Pit Headquarters (and see the movie to understand the tie
ins!), we think you will be impressed with the play versatility!
No, they HOPE will be "impressed".
Q3 Will we see another 'Rise of Cobra' playset or a 'Resolute' playset next?A3 We wont know about the next playset until after this fall and the success of the Pit, but it would be movie based.
You could probably read that pretty ominously. "Like it or don't get nothin else" @firedevil@
2. Was there a reason that Wetsuit's helmet was not included in the upcoming seven-pack set? Or will it actually be included in the set and is just not pictured?Wetsuit's breathing mask is included in the set.
What part of HELMET do they not get? Hell, they coulda just repainted an Eel helmet.
Night Force Falcon? Guess he might show up as part of the "Headquarters for Heroes" line. Or get back-burnered for a "Night Force" set somewhere down the road.
Headquarters for Heroes?