Second, they look like crap. And also some of the molds for the vehicles look very familiar. Does the Rise of cobra ATV look like the Venom Striker from the Spy Troops and the Valor vs Venom line.Actually it's the Ferret from the original RAH line with an added missle launcher.
This new GI joe rise of cobra line of toys is garbage.I saw all of these figures just warming the shelves saturday at toys r us.
Do you understand that these have only been out a day or two as of Saturday?
Hoe can product "peg-warm" when its just been put out?????
But I will just stick w/ the variants and the exclusive that come out within this line.But me for one will not be wasting my money on this garbage.
But you just said that you are going to buy some of it..........
This new GI joe rise of cobra line of toys is garbage.
I saw all of these figures just warming the shelves saturday at toys r us.
For starters they are way overpriced
Second, they look like crap. And also some of the molds for the vehicles look very familiar. Does the Rise of cobra ATV look like the Venom Striker from the Spy Troops and the Valor vs Venom line.
I think this line is going to fail. But maybe Hasbro is Targeting kids w/ this line not collectors.
But I will just stick w/ the variants and the exclusive that come out within this line.
But me for one will not be wasting my money on this garbage.
Hasbro give me 25th or die.
its been reported that some stores like wal-mart put them out to early and they got hit with a $10,000 fine, from what the report said,Walmart hit with $10,000 fine for movie figs Ran into a Hasbro rep on my Joe hunt today.
Apparently the local Walmart had put out the movie figs early.
As a "secret shopper" he nailed them with a violation of street date fine
Apparently street date round these parts will be strictly enforced until July 10th. Including Toys'r us.
this came in from another site,
You talked to a Hasbro rep? Did you ask what that big damn deal was about the street date?
It seems like it would be more of a problem FOR Hasbro. I mean if your going to fine a store for putting out your product so that customers can buy it, then maybe the store won't buy your product anymore. Know what I mean?
Oh and haven't their bee reports of ROC stuff showing up at "small mom & pop" places? Is Hasbro gonna fine them too?
i did not talk to a habro rep, like i said this info came from another site.. wal-mart is always getting in some kind of trouble.. wal mart dosent follow too much on there street date,but so far the info is on wal-mart, i dont live in that part os the state,
A $10,000 fine on a Multi-Billion dollar Corporation? That's all? That's a drop in the hat and Walmart is probably saying,"So what? sell! Sell! sell!!" Which i don't blame them lol @loll@
The outrageous price aside, that gunship looks bland, cheap, and unfinished. Is this what it looks like without stickers? These ROC toys are KILLING GI JOe for me.
its been reported that some stores like wal-mart put them out to early and they got hit with a $10,000 fine, from what the report said,Walmart hit with $10,000 fine for movie figs Ran into a Hasbro rep on my Joe hunt today.
Apparently the local Walmart had put out the movie figs early.
As a "secret shopper" he nailed them with a violation of street date fine
Apparently street date round these parts will be strictly enforced until July 10th. Including Toys'r us.
this came in from another site,
You talked to a Hasbro rep? Did you ask what that big damn deal was about the street date?
It seems like it would be more of a problem FOR Hasbro. I mean if your going to fine a store for putting out your product so that customers can buy it, then maybe the store won't buy your product anymore. Know what I mean?
Oh and haven't their bee reports of ROC stuff showing up at "small mom & pop" places? Is Hasbro gonna fine them too?
i did not talk to a habro rep, like i said this info came from another site.. wal-mart is always getting in some kind of trouble.. wal mart dosent follow too much on there street date,but so far the info is on wal-mart, i dont live in that part os the state,
I picked up the Covra Gunship with Firefly a couple of dayz ago at a new Walmart, they weren't suppose to sell it but did anyways.
The gunship is kinda cool, reminds me of the Raptor from BSG, but Firefly came with no weapons. price was 24.88.
It seems like it would be more of a problem FOR Hasbro. I mean if your going to fine a store for putting out your product so that customers can buy it, then maybe the store won't buy your product anymore. Know what I mean?
In a contract for sale like this, the release date is tied into a marketing blitz, of which there's a LOT more than $10,000 invested in. July 10th is clearly when Hasbro intends to ramp up the marketing of the movie, prior to its release--and they may have sought a "midnight madness" type event with the release of the toys. In light of the fact that hasbro has TWO major properties as tent-pole films this summer, they are doubtlessly trying to orchestrate just how they arrive at market.
Marketing is often all about timing, and the window of opportunity for a toy line like this is far smaller than it used to be--so they want to capitalize on it to best effect, even if it means holding back goods to be sold on/after a specific date.
Instituting the penalty is their legal right if the retail chain/retailer agreed to those terms.
its been reported that some stores like wal-mart put them out to early and they got hit with a $10,000 fine, from what the report said,Walmart hit with $10,000 fine for movie figs Ran into a Hasbro rep on my Joe hunt today.
Apparently the local Walmart had put out the movie figs early.
As a "secret shopper" he nailed them with a violation of street date fine
Apparently street date round these parts will be strictly enforced until July 10th. Including Toys'r us.
this came in from another site,
You talked to a Hasbro rep? Did you ask what that big damn deal was about the street date?
It seems like it would be more of a problem FOR Hasbro. I mean if your going to fine a store for putting out your product so that customers can buy it, then maybe the store won't buy your product anymore. Know what I mean?
Oh and haven't their bee reports of ROC stuff showing up at "small mom & pop" places? Is Hasbro gonna fine them too?
its been reported that some stores like wal-mart put them out to early and they got hit with a $10,000 fine, from what the report said,
Walmart hit with $10,000 fine for movie figs Ran into a Hasbro rep on my Joe hunt today.
Apparently the local Walmart had put out the movie figs early.
As a "secret shopper" he nailed them with a violation of street date fine
Apparently street date round these parts will be strictly enforced until July 10th. Including Toys'r us.
this came in from another site,