My only real complaint is Deep Six. He's gotten the shaft in every 25th version. They gave us RAH version one TWICE. Are you #$&^ kidding me? And that half-assed "version 2" (I think) attempt. Would it have killed to, at the least, mold a a dive suit helmet?Agreed! They could have taken the time and really knocked the v1 reissue out of the park with extra detail and what not. Instead we got virtually the same figure. That one that came in the TRU 3 pack was kinda, maybe an "homage" to v2, but is that a dive suit or Ace's flight suit? And where's the air tank? Actually the ROC Deep Six might be the best one yet if only it wan't Torpedo's head under that mask.
See that's what I can't quite get my head around. For the Joe comic packs especially, they were able to reuse the old body and give 98% of them brand new heads.
This applies to repaint Transformers too, but WHY can't they keep doing that? If they want to make Crankcase out of Cybertron Red Alert's body or Crankcase out of Shipwreck and Cobra Trooper, WHY can't they make new heads for each?
My only real complaint is Deep Six. He's gotten the shaft in every 25th version. They gave us RAH version one TWICE. Are you #$&^ kidding me? And that half-assed "version 2" (I think) attempt. Would it have killed to, at the least, mold a a dive suit helmet?
Agreed! They could have taken the time and really knocked the v1 reissue out of the park with extra detail and what not. Instead we got virtually the same figure. That one that came in the TRU 3 pack was kinda, maybe an "homage" to v2, but is that a dive suit or Ace's flight suit? And where's the air tank? Actually the ROC Deep Six might be the best one yet if only it wan't Torpedo's head under that mask.
I'm kind of over having the Torpedo mold being reused for EVERY diver no matter what. I can see how some might like it for the uniformity....Even a few new diver parts or a bit more frankensteining would be nice. The straight up repaints are pretty lazy though. The only semi-decent one so far has been Eels.The only one of these I have any interest in is the snake armor.
It is a little bit of a conundrum. It is kinda cool to have them in a more "uniform" look. I mean just how different CAN a dive suit look? I think the actual problem is how many divers do we need in the first place? We have what, 2 or 3 of each now?
My only real complaint is Deep Six. He's gotten the shaft in every 25th version. They gave us RAH version one TWICE. Are you #$&^ kidding me? And that half-assed "version 2" (I think) attempt. Would it have killed to, at the least, mold a a dive suit helmet?
Look on the bright side. It is one less item to get. And I kinda get the impression there will be a lot fewer "completists" with the movie line then before.
I wonder what will be inside the cardboard M.A.R.S. cases that come with each figure. Apparently some sort of secret accessories. Perhaps like the artifacts that came with the Indiana Jones figures, or the Clone Gear that came with the Star Wars Clone Wars figures.
I'm kind of over having the Torpedo mold being reused for EVERY diver no matter what. I can see how some might like it for the uniformity....Even a few new diver parts or a bit more frankensteining would be nice. The straight up repaints are pretty lazy though. The only semi-decent one so far has been Eels.
The only one of these I have any interest in is the snake armor.
ws_toys already has these on eBay. Not cheap though.
I'm kind of over having the Torpedo mold being reused for EVERY diver no matter what. I can see how some might like it for the uniformity....
The SNAKE aromor is the only thing here that's tempting to get.
The fact that these are exclusives leads me to beleive there will be no S.N.A.K.E.S. in the Movie.