oh man I was lucky enough for a friend of mine to pick me up one of ALL the international guys! both argen 7 and Action Force sets !YES!!
BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU to the collectors club for making these, I have given you guys a lot of heckle and I still think you screwed up by making the CST. BUT this does show that you guys do listen to the fans at least part of the time!
THE BAD thing is I bid on one set of the 3 pack international commandoes set ( Argen 7 guys ) on ebay for 90 dollars literally minutes before I knew my friend had picked me up some
so if anyone cant find it cheaper on ebay ( they are going for about 130-150 dollars right now ) then contact me Ill be happy to sell the set I bought for the same price plus shipping
Heres hoping the club does a RED SHADOW set next year!
These are excellent exclusives.
There is a fanbase for them but they aren't really "necessary" for a collection. I mean they coulda done Hardball, Downtown and Keel Haul or something and THAT woulda sucked.
I really would love to get ahold of the argentina figs too..... but i don't think I know anyone who is goingDraven
There's an auction on e-bay right now offering the 3-pack for 100 bucks... pretty low mark-up all things considered. I took a chance on it, here's to hoping I dont get stiffed.
All the stuff looks nice and now I'm trying to figure out how I can sneak off the KC for the day (since I only live a couple hours away). I do think it's strange they went with that Baroness instead of the one that was in the third Cobra box set. I also like the fact that the Vipers have the fixed arms, the helmet and goggles were never that big a deal to me, but have the fixed arm on these is a nice touch.
not interested in any of them, and that's great for me because i'm poor.
Did star duster that was released do that well? i've been trying to trade/sale mine off for awhile with zero interest.
I really would love to get ahold of the argentina figs too..... but i don't think I know anyone who is going
when does the display area open? as in when we gonna see pics of the Hasbro display?.
More images of more of the exclusives are uploading to the image gallery.
Crap inna hat that's on my head. I'd give organs and certain firstborn males for the 4 Argentina figures.I just finished my custom team of Action Force figures (Gaucho, Quarrel, Blades, Hunter and Lt Stone), and I've got Glenda/Scarlett and my custom Claymore waiting for these 4 guys. I'd rather official releases than customs, tho...
To e-bay!
LOL I know what you mean Straight Edge! LOVE TO SEE THOSE CUSTOMS TOO!
Crap inna hat that's on my head. I'd give organs and certain firstborn males for the 4 Argentina figures.
I just finished my custom team of Action Force figures (Gaucho, Quarrel, Blades, Hunter and Lt Stone), and I've got Glenda/Scarlett and my custom Claymore waiting for these 4 guys. I'd rather official releases than customs, tho...
To e-bay!