It is not often we go to Joecon and are introduced to a new toyline that is not G.I.Joe related. It is even more rare when that toyline is by a company other than Hasbro, and I don't think it has ever happened when that toyline really impresses the hell out of us.
The companies name is
Molten Monkey International LLC and the line is called S.K. Omega or S.K.O. for short. The figures will be 3.75" made with the "O-Ring" design. They will have vehicles and playsets including a very cool and very large looking missle command base which they say should retail for under $100. The have story bio's for all their characters, a comic book which they were handing out and animation done for the line (check back to TNI later as we will be uploading some video showing off the animation). They plan to be at SDCC this year and at Toy Fair next year and say they hope to have the toys out by mid-next year. Below is an offical press release they put out for Joecon and below in our gallery is some art, packaging and a production model for that missle base we mentioned. As you read the PR below you will see the guys involved with this company have been involved in the world of action figures for a long time and what I saw today it really shows, as they really seem to be gearing up to put out some really cool product that will be worth checking out in the coming days.
Press Release
Molten Monkey International LLC is proud to announce a line of action figures, vehicles, and playsets based on characters from an all-new original story. MMI has been working with distinguished toy designers Ron Rudat and Guy Cassaday to bring action figures back to their roots. Some of their amazing designs will be on display at the Molten Monkey booth. Guy Cassaday will be in attendance at the MMI booth to sign autographs and discuss anything related to the new toy line, his history with GI Joe, and his work with Tonka. Ron Rudat will also be present at the show as a special guest of Master Collector and Joe Con 2010.
Guy Cassaday
Guy Cassaday’s extensive and diverse career in product design and illustration has contributed to some of the most significant American toy concepts in the last three decades including the redesign of the iconic Tonka Mighty Dump Truck. His career at Tonka led to the design of other construction vehicles, bringing to life his love of vehicle design. A brief stint at Playskool in Chicago led Guy to Hasbro, Inc. where he excelled as the premier GI Joe vehicle designer known for large vehicles such as the Mobile Command Center, Persuader, Sky Storm, Conquest and Rolling Thunder. In 1997, Guy launched Cassaday Design, Inc. and branched off into general consumer product design while keeping his hand in the toy industry.
Ron Rudat
Ron Rudat started working for Hasbro Toy Company in 1971 as an illustrator, eventually working his way up to Senior Designer in his 28 year tenure. Starting in 1980, Ron was responsible for figure designs of the Real American Hero toy line continuing through the 1987 assortment. In addition, he designed accessories, vehicles, weapons, and many of the logos including the infamous Cobra logo. He now runs and owns Bright Ideas! Design, Inc. doing freelance for such companies as Hasbro, Mattel, Toybiz, among others. He and his son, Tristan Rudat, have also been working on a documentary telling the story of the artists and designers responsible for bringing GIJOE to life.
Don’t forget to stop by the Molten Monkey International booth at Joe Con 2010 in April, in Providence, Rhode Island. Hope to see you all there!
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