I can't believe anyone could not include the HISS on a top 10 list! I'll give you the Mauler over the MOBAT, but the HISS is the foundation of Cobra Armored Infantry.
The WHALE should be more near the top, the HISS and Mobot need to be replaced with probably the Mauler and Snowcat or maybe the Stinger, otherwise, it's a solid list.
IMO I think the RAM and MOBAT both deserve to be in there! For me both those are what defined a Joe vehicle. They were "realistic" without being too real. Cobra obviously had a lotta vehicles that were futuristic and kinda far out, but for me a joe vehicle was about we had in our military at the time and I think the RAM and MOBAT made that point perfectly (Am I? heh.) Ah well, Great list!
I think the Flagg is a bit too large/unwieldy to be a top the list (especially a list of "vehicles"), but I suppose it's status as the "grail" of GIJoe Toys gives it a little leeway.
My personal #1 pick would have been the Tomahawk. Bummed to see the Snowcat isn't on the list. And the Wolverine as well. I mean, as a kid, nothing came close in sheer visual imagery of a tank with a bajillion rockets ready to be fired at the enemy.
When I think Top 10 vehicles for GI Joe, the Rattler, Tomahawk, Night Raven, Killer Whale, and Hydrofoil would all be on my list...they're definitely my favorites from the original run. I was glad to see he included them all.
I do agree he missed out on not including the Terrordrome, but this is a "VEHICLE" list, not a base list, I guess.
I'm not too sure about the inclusion of the RAM and MOBAT on the list...there's a ton of way cooler vehicles, like the General or Rolling Thunder. If he wanted to include a motorcycle, I think the Silver Mirage is better than the RAM.
Overall, a good list though. He nailed all the most popular/most expensive to acquire vehicles for the most part.
the Mobat sucks. It's one of the few Joe vehicles I actually dislike.
And the Silver Mirage is better than the RAM
...hmmmm...so the Movie DIDN'T kill all public interest in GI Joe...
It's a good list! And I own 8 out of 10 of those vehices (no Flag or Rattler for me ).
Surely the Flagg is the #1, I'd place either the Shuttle Complex or Terrordrome at 2 (well I guess they take up 2 and 3).
Other notables left off the list:
I could go on I suppose, but I guess if you're making the list based on what set trends or was most impressive or had most play features or were biggest would all impact just what toy's you'd include. I guess my personal top 10 would be these, just off the cuff:
Night Raven
Desert Fox
I can see the HISS making it over the HISS 2 but I agree the Mauler should have made it over the MOBAT. I also think the Vamp was a more fun toy to play with over the RAM. Where I really think they missed the boat though was not including the Terror Drome on the list.
Best vehicles of the 80s and they pick the M.O.B.A.T. and H.I.S.S.? The Mauler is better than the M.O.B.A.T. (if your going for a "motorized tank" thing). And the H.I.S.S. is just iconic. What about the H.I.S.S. II. MUCH better tank. I always liked the Desert Fox.