Have found Beach, SE, and Duke, also seen a Snow Job
Duke is getting a hair color change and getting called Muskrat, even got a boonie hat picked out for him.
all of them are awesome figures, great gear and sculpts
I think we should all just enjoy this badass filler line for now... There will be plenty of time to go off or embrace when we actually see something from Renegade...
I've been extremely happy with GI Joe ever since they ditched that "new sculpt" style and went to the 25th style. Ever since then, 4 or 5 years now, Joe fans have been treated VERY well by Hasbro, you gotta admit. They have personally gotten a lot of my money.(Even if you hated the ROC line, it was a necessary movie tie in...if you don't expect everything to stop for movie tie-ins, you don't know the hobby very well).
I don't care if POC is two or three waves long. I'll enjoy what I get. Chances are the figs based on the cartoon will be decent too.
Yep my Wm's put them back to $7.
These figures are so awesome ! But on a YouTube video , some one reported that at Wal Mart , they are $ 10 a figure .
That has been discussed here in the joes 9.97 at walmart wtf thread, but also in the same thread people are reporting that they dropped the price back down to $6.97
(-1 for wolvie)
I just wish Hasbro would decide what they want. I liked the 25th, Resolute, ROC and the POC stuff we have got and will be getting. But that being said Hasbro has no clear idea what to do with the line anymore. Starting with the 25th anniversary stuff we were only going to get the two five packs to begin with. But they were such a hit that they continued with it (can't blame them for that). While they had the 25th stuff front and center, Resolute (the cartoon) was being done in the background. At about the time that Hasbro was and should have been bring out Resolute the movie was announced and that stalled Resolute to an undetermined release date for the cartoon and only three "real" figures getting released at the end of 2008. From basicly Jan to July of 2009 we had nothing and finally the movie stuff came out. Like most movie line stores overordered te first wave making some of the later waves and figures hard to find (Kamakura anyone). Then Hasbro killed the original POC line to focus more of the characters and less on POC being a continuation of ROC, so from Dec 2009 until August 2010 we had nothing. Now the new version of POC has hit and fans seem to be digging it, but I can't help but wonder retailers will react. Will the order it because it's Joe or Underorder it because there is nothing behind it. Hasbro seemes to just want something Joe releated on the shelves this year since Renegades isn't ready yet. But it seems like we'll get some POC stuff early next year and then another long break before we see any Renegades stuff on the shelf next Fall, which btw is a full year after the cartoon will have launched.
Now my guess is we might see some of the POC stuff that people want (Jungle CC and CS Scarlett), but isn't getting released in a 7 pack next summer since that seems to be what Hasbro does for the "real fans' (meaning they threw us a bone in the form of 2009's Cobra Island packs and this years Resolute packs). But even assuming that Renegades takes off, by the summer of 2012 Hasbro will probably be getting ready to put out stuff for the second movie, which leaves renegades stuck unless Hasbro decides to run a movie line and animated line for Joe at the same time. What Hasbro seems to need is real direction behind the line.
I can't reveal what I've seen, how I saw it, or from who without getting people in trouble. I was told after a couple of filler waves of POC, EVERYTHING was going to be Renegade. Hasbro is putting all it's GI Joe eggs in ONE basket called Renegades! My impression is this does not sit well with some people but they're hoping for the best for Renegades. I was assured that while they had to adhere to the look of the cartoon, they were going to try as much as possible so Renegade figures could fit seamlessly alongside 25th Anniversary and POC figures. This however was not consistent with what I saw. I did not like what I saw. SOME might... but I'd bet not many. Of all of them, I guess Snake-Eyes would fit in the best... maybe. The problem mostly were the proportions. The outfits I can chalk up to a bad design, but the proportions really just put me off. The arms are very long and spindly. Maybe little kids will like these but I know after POC runs its course, I'm probably out of GI Joe for a while.
id be surpeised if the figures were of an animated style after Sigma failed and the modern 25th style has been a massive sucess for Hasbro. You guy just need to ignore masterjailer and maybe he will shut up. You are fueling his fire.
looks like masterjailer is commenting on the designs we have seen. It would be nice to clarify that though.
Back to the POC stuff:
i'm just wondering why Beachead got a neat sculpt underneath his vest too. Wouldn't the standard o13 torso work just fine for guys like this, whose main look comes from gear. That would save more tooling money to go for things like vehicle drivers etc.
Those animated designs are very likely NOT what the toys will be styled like. Hasbro is heavily invested in the "25th" style articulated buck, and a lot of the current and projected vehicles support that buck. The HISS tank and Mechas are out now, and they fit current-style figures.
I have NOT seen the toy designs (yet), but it was announced they would be shown at Toy Fair in 2011. Its possible they could be leaked at the Fall Toy Fair--but we'll have to wait and see.
These figures are so awesome ! But on a YouTube video , some one reported that at Wal Mart , they are $ 10 a figure .