I have to say, while I like the character designs (Yes, you read that right) I certainly dislike the storyline.
GI Joe is on the run... from Cobra?
How do they rearm? Resupply? Collect logistical data and operational intel?
Even if Cobra has set them up, they are still doing a very un-Joe thing by running away. I loathe to cite the Marvel comics as an example, but didn't Spirit and Mutt stand trial for their actions at Millville, even though they were entirely in the right and they (we) knew it? The idea of Joes on the run from the law... I don't know, it seems dishonorable in a way. Certainly undignified.
I would HOPE that the "Renegades" concept would only last for the season premiere 'feature' (compilation of two/three/four or so episodes, as is typical of western animation) where - in the end - Cobra is revealed for what it truly is. But the SERIES is CALLED "Renegades" ... so are they always going to be on the lamb? What, are they driving their HAVOCs, Sky Hawks, Rolling Thunders and FLAGGs with fake lisense plates? It's kind of peculiar.
The only saving grace is that the writing team is really strong, taking from alot of great American and Canadian authors. It should at least be enjoyable to watch, even if you're still grinding your teeth the whole time over the concept.
Agreed, I always kinda figured it would be something like Cobra finally gets to power and has the Joes declared traitors or something.
I don't mind the animation style to much and I'm curious how the series will go, I'll at least give it a shot.
Isn't this essentially the new "continued" Larry Hama Comic plot line? Cobra is in charge of national security and the Joes are fugitives?
As for the art style - I officially ate my hat for Tf Animated and Clone Wars which were and are two excellent shows. I'll never judge a show on it's aesthetic again (well, maybe a little).
Heck, I've put away my regular Star Wars for Clone Wars stuff and I have a whole shelf full of Animated... I'm sure I'll have to start clearing some space in a few months.
Will have to wait and see, as of right now, it looks ok...but just ok.
Meh, I'm not really worried about this line and cartoon....I've still to this day never even seen an episode of "Sigma 6." (I picked up a couple figures just to have that era represented in my Joe "museum", but thats as far as I went with it) It does look pretty bad from the couple of stills I have seen though. Not really liking he premise either....I'm going to wait until I see the figures before I pass total judgement on this imagining of Joe.
The only thing that is bothering me is that POC will be put on hold for this line to hit the pegs. Other than that this will just be a way for me to put funds towards my RAH collection. I'll be saving money when this comes out......
I like the logo!
#$## this isn't good time for a facepalm
I have to say, while I like the character designs (Yes, you read that right) I certainly dislike the storyline.
GI Joe is on the run... from Cobra?
How do they rearm? Resupply? Collect logistical data and operational intel?
Even if Cobra has set them up, they are still doing a very un-Joe thing by running away. I loathe to cite the Marvel comics as an example, but didn't Spirit and Mutt stand trial for their actions at Millville, even though they were entirely in the right and they (we) knew it? The idea of Joes on the run from the law... I don't know, it seems dishonorable in a way. Certainly undignified.
I would HOPE that the "Renegades" concept would only last for the season premiere 'feature' (compilation of two/three/four or so episodes, as is typical of western animation) where - in the end - Cobra is revealed for what it truly is. But the SERIES is CALLED "Renegades" ... so are they always going to be on the lamb? What, are they driving their HAVOCs, Sky Hawks, Rolling Thunders and FLAGGs with fake lisense plates? It's kind of peculiar.
The only saving grace is that the writing team is really strong, taking from alot of great American and Canadian authors. It should at least be enjoyable to watch, even if you're still grinding your teeth the whole time over the concept.
Agreed, I always kinda figured it would be something like Cobra finally gets to power and has the Joes declared traitors or something.
I don't mind the animation style to much and I'm curious how the series will go, I'll at least give it a shot.
UGH.............. not liking this @hmmm@
I have to say, while I like the character designs (Yes, you read that right) I certainly dislike the storyline.
GI Joe is on the run... from Cobra?
How do they rearm? Resupply? Collect logistical data and operational intel?
Even if Cobra has set them up, they are still doing a very un-Joe thing by running away. I loathe to cite the Marvel comics as an example, but didn't Spirit and Mutt stand trial for their actions at Millville, even though they were entirely in the right and they (we) knew it? The idea of Joes on the run from the law... I don't know, it seems dishonorable in a way. Certainly undignified.
I would HOPE that the "Renegades" concept would only last for the season premiere 'feature' (compilation of two/three/four or so episodes, as is typical of western animation) where - in the end - Cobra is revealed for what it truly is. But the SERIES is CALLED "Renegades" ... so are they always going to be on the lamb? What, are they driving their HAVOCs, Sky Hawks, Rolling Thunders and FLAGGs with fake lisense plates? It's kind of peculiar.
The only saving grace is that the writing team is really strong, taking from alot of great American and Canadian authors. It should at least be enjoyable to watch, even if you're still grinding your teeth the whole time over the concept.
If the toys end up looking like the GI Joe version of Star Wars Clone Wars figures, I'll have no problem saying no.
As for the cartoon itself I'll give it a chance. I've learned to set my expectations very low when it comes to current cartoons. Maybe the story will be good. (is scarlett holding a staple gun in that picture?)
looks..... weird.
I don't get why Hasbro okayed this style of animation or the character designs.
I'll still give it a shot and watch it if it's good... but there is no way I will ever buy a toy that looks like that.