I think some of ya needs to get laid, or at the very least, have more female friends. @smilepunch@ @smilepunch@
LOL I definately need more female friends but it's kind of hard when I'm living in my parents basement with a bunch of toys
I think some of ya needs to get laid, or at the very least, have more female friends. @smilepunch@ @smilepunch@
I bought P2 because the chick that played Scarlett in ROC was in it and shows a lot of cleavage.
Duke (and I'm not defending the guy) gets them audience members outside their usual demographic. Last year a bunch of the Cheerleaders at the school I work at got the GIJoe movie for each other as Christmas presents because "Channing is hot"
one of the more ridiculous reasons for buying a movie I've ever heard I mean I find Kim Kardashian hot but Ihaven't bought one of her films or watched one of her shows
And did you guys noticed that cool scene where those Cobra soldiers have Snake Eyes in that harness to keep him from killing everyone? Oh...that was so very awesome.
that was pretty cool I thought the scene with Bruce willis was more badass
I really like what I see so far. I'm very excited. I happen to think Snake Eyes looks great. My only contention with the original was the sculpted mouth on the mask. They fixed it so I'm good to go...
Y'know, it seems like this movie could almost be viewed as a stand-alone movie; there's no introductory stuff we have to endure. We know the Joes are the good guys and Cobra is the enemy. It just feels like this film might be more straight forward and self-contained than the first one was, and it's not setting everything up (in a hurry I might add) like the first one was written to do. It looks more like the kind of film I've envisioned in my head for the past thirty years or so.
And did you guys noticed that cool scene where those Cobra soldiers have Snake Eyes in that harness to keep him from killing everyone? Oh...that was so very awesome.
Duke (and I'm not defending the guy) gets them audience members outside their usual demographic. Last year a bunch of the Cheerleaders at the school I work at got the GIJoe movie for each other as Christmas presents because "Channing is hot"
It was certainly cool enough, but there are some aspects of the trailer that kinda bother me.
First and foremost, fine, Johnson is cool, and this is by no means a slight against the man. But I really don't wanna see this thing if all we're getting is a goof-ball vanity-vehicle. Anybody remember Superman 3?
Yes, but it's been a long while. What's the correlation?
Second: Joes on the run. Cool, got it. With the end of ROC I saw this one coming. But why kill of the rest of team, Duke included?That's what the previews lead us to believe, but it's kinda up in the air as to whether ALL the Joes were in that ambush or not and it's not clear if others (along with Snake Eyes) were taken prisoner? Lots to be revealed yet.
yeah, if I had a nickle for every time a trailer miss lead me...
I'm not going to compare the Rock and Prior. Even if Rock does get a ton of screen time, he's actually playing a charater in GI Joe lore. It would be justified. Prior was shoehorned in to Superman because he was "In" at the time. Anyone remember Supes' African American comedian friend from the comics?
I'll hold off judgment on the deaths of all the Joes until I find out who "all" the Joes are. Will they be names we know, or will they go the IDW rout and make up characters like "Mudball", "Zipdrive", and "Rat-Face" just to be killed off emmediately? Maybe we'll have generic guys this movie for a high body count, and then in number 3 have guys like Gung Ho, Shipwreck, etc. join the team. Who knows...?
I also don't know if I'd be planning Duke's funeral yet. Yeah, he wasn't in a lot of the trailer, but like someone said, isn't he signed on for thee films?
Yes, but it's been a long while. What's the correlation?
What might've actually been a decent sequel (which would've reportedly included appearances by Brainiac AND Bizarro) was wrecked when Warners decided to make it as a starring vehicle for comedian Richard Pryor. Thankfully, the plans to include a laugh track (I'm not kidding) were dumped at the last minute.
Not saying that's what's going on here, but with Johnson getting the lion's share of screen-time, and the VO monologue, I kinda worry. G.I. Joe isn't a one-man show, you know?
And like I said, this isn't an anti-Rock thing. I'd feel the same way if Willis or even Park got all the screen time.
But as you say, this was just a trailer. There's still a lot of movie waiting to be seen.
OOOOOH how could I have forgot the Richard Pryor debacle! Yeah, that was so bad, I don't think I've ever been able to sit thru an entire viewing of S3. Yeah, I don't think the Rock will take as much screen time as it might seem, just because he's been the most vocal during the filming and dropping us all the teasers, but he'll be a far cry better than Ripcord and Duke from the first movie.