During the Playoff Games today I decided to open the rest of my "Ultimate Waves" & put the main Joe's in the lil containers I bought at Kmart to store them in, great price @ Kmart for less than $5 a piece....once again I was blown away by how great this wave really was.....they were overloaded w/cool accessories & an arsenal of plastic weapons to outfit half of Ahmurica....it made me resent that 1st wave even more & the execs making the decisions to put out Pegwarming crap just to sell it to tot's who don't know any better just because they have dayglow colored BAFG's...this Ultimate Wave should have came out in 2nd wave if that was the case it would helped out immensely....it's a shame the movie delayed this wave & the stores overbought the shiiii & sunk the line before it really got a chance.....it seems most years this happens to our Joes...while we do get some great additions we get stuck w/mediocre choices....anyways Kudos to the Team for producing the "Ultimate Wave" I feel almost like they produced that line for the Adult Collectors & not the kiddos like the earlier stuff.....I liked Quinn, Rockblock, Cobra Commander, Storm Shadow, Duke, Flint, Data Viper, Crimson Guard, Blind RZA, Budo, Lady J(she's an earlier wave but still great w/her stick arms & weapons for days) the Combat Ninjas are awesome....the overload of Weapons does eliminate the Need for Battlepacks but I still do miss seeing those at retail....oh well just some thoughts.
I really like Kwinn. Very cool figure. If you have a TRU in your area. Keep an eye out. Some have gotten in wave 4. Though the one we have got wave 3.5.
Better late than never, huh? I finally got around to getting Kwinn and getting him reviewed. While I haven't bought many Joe figures this past year (I haven't seen many Joe figures this past year) I did go out of my way to snag Kwinn and he's amazing. I've reviewed him here: Kwinn Review
He looks good.
Better late than never, huh? I finally got around to getting Kwinn and getting him reviewed. While I haven't bought many Joe figures this past year (I haven't seen many Joe figures this past year) I did go out of my way to snag Kwinn and he's amazing. I've reviewed him here: Kwinn Review
That Duke is an awesome figure. Even if you have terrible animosity towards Channing Tatum, there's no reason for the Joe fan not to pick it up.
Anyone in particular?
Mainly just Cobra Commander, Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow.
They're pretty much all about a half head taller than their 25th predecessor. Do they still work with them? I think it depends on how you display them. If you're going to just stand them all up straight, standing on their stands in a long neat row, yeah, it might be noticeable, but still, it's not like every single character is the same height anyway. If you have them mixed around in a setting, or diorama, then they're not really as noticeable.. again, I think it's up to you.
To be honest, I personally feel that after RoC, they improved on their figure sculpts big time and it's almost a sin to display some of the 25th figures next to the newer PoC, 30th or even the Retaliation(and Ultimate) figures, lol.
Oh well, guess I'll skip 'em then. I've already got great versions of all three, so if these "Ultimates" can't fill those spaces seamlessly, I can afford to take a pass.
BTW: When you say "all," does that include Kwinn to?
Kwinn doesn't seem as bad, but you owe it to yourself and all Joe fans and especially those on the Hasbro Joe team like Deryl Depriest that snuck in this jem of a figure into the movie line, no less. lol. I remember talking to him at Joecon and asked how it happened and he said that he knew the fans wanted him made, he wanted him made, so when it was time to submit the figures for the wave to be approved, he threw him in there, not knowing what to expect and sure enough, he was approved.
Absolutely! I don't care if Kwinn is out of scale or not, he's a "must-buy" no matter what.
Thanks for the heads up.
I'd suggest Duke too, with the spare head he can be a different trooper entirely and is cool enough to have in your collection as maybe a desert steel brigade at the least. Drone is pretty cool too.
I'm really hoping with Night Viper's demand we see him repackaged in a future a line, maybe with that movie ninja trooper's spare helm as a lot of folks are using it on him.
Ah, I keep missing you, Night Viper!
He is the only fig from that last Ultimate's wave I don't have......I had him in my basket and went to check out, he was gone....& on other boards it was mentioned that he kept popping up for some time after he had "sold out".....very frustrating I sent Hasblow an angry fan-man email but I still expect the "big F-Off", I asked them to do a notification email like how TRU tries to do but fails at.....at least I found an MU Abomination at Terget last night....that was an awesome hunt so sometime in the next 2 weeks I'll find NV, catch him at a swapmeet or a walgreens.....
Ah, I keep missing you, Night Viper!
Thanks for the heads up... Picked up Jinx and another SS...