12 hours ago, Roadpigmaster said:Hey it's been a long time Hasbro officially released GI JOE figures at retail. Last time where the 50 anniversary at Toysrus... Hopefully we get great retro figures that make us say wow I wasn't expecting this...
My best guess is this is going to be similar to what we have seen Hasbro do with both Star Wars and Ghostbusters, where they reproduce the exact figures from the 80's down to the packaging itself.
2 hours ago, JayC said:So your basically saying you will buy anything they throw the GIJoe name on Just messing, I understand what its like to be a diehard fan and excited. For me though I have o-ring versions and 25th annoversary versions of the characters reportedly in the first wave as well as the two vehicles, so I just cant see myself wanting to buy them again. Im gonna make an assumption this line will be similar to the Ghostbusters and Star Wars Retro lines where its basically the original figures re-released on cardbacks made to look like the original toyline, which as far as packaging goes is what they essentially did with the 25th Anniversary line. Its cool but you can only do it so many time before the nostalgia wears out.
Hey it's been a long time Hasbro officially released GI JOE figures at retail. Last time where the 50 anniversary at Toysrus... Hopefully we get great retro figures that make us say wow I wasn't expecting this...
The key words here being GI Joe, Retro and 3 3/4". I think that's going to garner a lot of attention from GI Joe fans at least based theircommentson anything from the Classifieds line. When was the last time GI Joe figures of any kind were sold at retail?
1 hour ago, Roadpigmaster said:I will be fighting everyone on Friday...
So your basically saying you will buy anything they throw the GIJoe name on Just messing, I understand what its like to be a diehard fan and excited. For me though I have o-ring versions and 25th annoversary versions of the characters reportedly in the first wave as well as the two vehicles, so I just cant see myself wanting to buy them again. Im gonna make an assumption this line will be similar to the Ghostbusters and Star Wars Retro lines where its basically the original figures re-released on cardbacks made to look like the original toyline, which as far as packaging goes is what they essentially did with the 25th Anniversary line. Its cool but you can only do it so many time before the nostalgia wears out.
3 hours ago, Outsiders said:I could be mistaken but I believe this is the first time Hasbro and Walmart had G.I. Joe exclusives that they wanted us to purchase even before they let us see what they look like. I would like to at least see what these figures look like before I decide to fight everyone in the early morning to try and get them.
I will be fighting everyone on Friday...
3 hours ago, JayC said:IDK, I honestly dont think the demand will be as high as it was for the NECA stuff. If this is just re-issues of 3 3/4" stuff we've gotten before in recent years I think only the most die-hard Joe fans will care. Its hard to say until we see what exactly these are but I can't say Im super pumped for these at this point.
Count me in as a die hard fan of the original ARAH...
11 minutes ago, JayC said:IDK, I honestly dont think the demand will be as high as it was for the NECA stuff. If this is just re-issues of 3 3/4" stuff we've gotten before in recent years I think only the most die-hard Joe fans will care. Its hard to say until we see what exactly these are but I can't say Im super pumped for these at this point.
I want them if they are vintage redos even though I have the originals mostly just to have them carded. If they are modern era redos I wont want them since I have themyet as a Joe completist Ill feel somewhat compelled to get them (which is perhaps a separate issue).
But in either case the only thing that will truly get me excited for them is if they work in characters that were never released in that form factor before. Thats the thing that would get me hyped.
The thing with me is while I want the retros I have all the original Figures loose thus if its just rereleases Ill want the retros to keep carded. Walmart is terrible at this. All the retro Star Wars and Ghostbusters figures came bent and damaged except for 2 which means I just packed them all up and sent them all back. Walmart doesnt have a clue on how to ship these things which makes it all that much worse that they get them exclusively.
11 minutes ago, 80sboy4 said:I would love these exclusive items, a retro G.I. Joe line sounds great but when I learned these were going to be Walmart exclusives my excitement level dropped dramatically. I understand why Hasbro partnered with Walmart but for us collectors it will just like with the NECA debacle be difficult to obtain. Sort of puts a damper on things.
IDK, I honestly dont think the demand will be as high as it was for the NECA stuff. If this is just re-issues of 3 3/4" stuff we've gotten before in recent years I think only the most die-hard Joe fans will care. Its hard to say until we see what exactly these are but I can't say Im super pumped for these at this point.
I would love these exclusive items, a retro G.I. Joe line sounds great but when I learned these were going to be Walmart exclusives my excitement level dropped dramatically. I understand why Hasbro partnered with Walmart but for us collectors it will just like with the NECA debacle be difficult to obtain. Sort of puts a damper on things.