23 hours ago, JayC said:And being Roadblock in wave 1 and the Target wave seem to be the biggest peg warmers of the series so far is another reason why its kinda ridiculous we already have 2 of them.
So there've been about 10 or so of these figures that are either out now or about to be. About half of that number, there are already variants...but its ridiculous for this one guy to get one. Ok, maybe he's 2nd tier, I dont know. I sure do see him all over the GI Joe clips I'm looking at. Then again I'm not a Joe aficionado(after the sh1t storm its been in trying to get these figures, I probably wont everbe) so I take your word for it.
Pegwarmers? Wow, your area is lucky then 'cause out here, we've seen neither hide nor hair of any of the series. We should be so lucky, to have a Roadblock on the shelves. Personally I feel the only road block here is Hasbro's decision to make this an exclusive.
Get it? See what I did there?
7 hours ago, Atlantis said:So exactly why are you complaining about Roadblock getting a second version "early" in the line?
-Snakeyes has 2 versions.
-There are 2 Destros.
-We know Baroness is gonna be released without a vehicle, and that's gonna be different figure from the one you reviewed. Probably just as impossible to get, too.
-There's a Storm Shadow already up for pre-order and we know the more classic version is on the way.
-And there are THREE Cobra Commanders on the way.
Very puzzling that two Roadblocks bother you.
And being Roadblock in wave 1 and the Target wave seem to be the biggest peg warmers of the series so far is another reason why its kinda ridiculous we already have 2 of them.
Cause Roadblock has always been pretty much a second tier character. Snake-Eyes is almost a given to get a figure every wave and the most recognizable character in GIJoe so no point in complaining about that. The three Cobra Commanders is also over done, especially since one of them isnt even a hooded version, though another major character and Pimp Daddy Destro is kinda ridiculous as well but I dont have that one yet. I am sure when I review it I will point out its to soon in the series for something like that.
No other Storm Shadow but the Amazon one has been announced yet, though getting the Cobra version is a must. And when you hear my review of the Amazon one tomorrow you will hear me point out that was the one we should have gotten first.
So exactly why are you complaining about Roadblock getting a second version "early" in the line?
-Snakeyes has 2 versions.
-There are 2 Destros.
-We know Baroness is gonna be released without a vehicle, and that's gonna be different figure from the one you reviewed. Probably just as impossible to get, too.
-There's a Storm Shadow already up for pre-order and we know the more classic version is on the way.
-And there are THREE Cobra Commanders on the way.
Very puzzling that two Roadblocks bother you.
She looks great, I just don't think I can bare the troubles of trying to get this figure with a Bike I don't want, I guess I'm just hoping down the road we get her as a single figure I'd be cool with it having different paint deco, I mean if I see this I'd buy it on impulse but I'm not going to actively hunt it, guess we will see how it goes when these figures come out here in Canada in October if she isn't a pain to track down
also has any one tried removing her glasses?
Ahhh, yes. The Countess.
Never been a GI Joe collector but this Countess and Destro figures have captured my interest. Too bad they will probably be hard to find I am seriously thinking about collecting them. Love that motorcycle too. Not too crazy about the gold on he glasses but its not that bad.
1 hour ago, Satam said:I'm not a fan of this whole pegs on the guns thing. It doesn't feel like a very collector line thing to do. Seems more of children's toy type of thing.
Yeah the weapons continue to be the weakest thing about the line IMO but they riffles for the bike aren't horrid.
I'm not a fan of this whole pegs on the guns thing. It doesn't feel like a very collector line thing to do. Seems more of children's toy type of thing.