Interesting that he's taller than the previous one and the average Joe figure, I wonder how he looks next to Marvel Legends, it may work for a Luke Cage custom.
Another good review =^)
Good review!
I really hate that first Roadblocks headsculpt. He looks so derpy. This looks so much more bad ass.
1 hour ago, glhshelby said:I really hope all the whining from RAH collectors doesnt mean Hasbro is just going to make direct 6inch versions of the 80s figures, because this Road Block and Breaker are horrifically boring to look at. I understand not everyone loves the modern flourishes on the newer figures but I think theres a middle ground between metallic Fortnite and dull nostalgia fest like these.
If this Roadblock and Breaker aren't for you, that's totally fine. They look like good figures, even if you or others find them boring. There's plenty of collectors who don't. I think there's a place for classic-inspired figures where it makes sense as long as Hasbro doesn't ditch the modern stuff, too. Breaker's obviously inspired by the classic '82 figure, but he's updated significantly from that design, even if you don't recognize it. Many of these characters have dozens of figures in the 3 3/4" scale, and their designs have evolved (sometimes gradually and sometimes dramatically) over the decades. It would be a shame if that were to stop now, and the GI Joe team had decided to over-correct for a problem they don't actually have.
I really hope all the whining from RAH collectors doesnt mean Hasbro is just going to make direct 6inch versions of the 80s figures, because this Road Block and Breaker are horrifically boring to look at. I understand not everyone loves the modern flourishes on the newer figures but I think theres a middle ground between metallic Fortnite and dull nostalgia fest like these.
That is a very cool looking figure. I check Amazon periodically but haven't seen him back up yet.
I love this figure. Unfortunately, I missed the pre order. I'm hoping I can still get one when he's released.
I need to collect/buy some of these G.I joe figures I think they would look really well with my 6in collection of figures