The first 3 sets of the new G.I.Joe
Comic Book 3-Packs have really rekindled the flame in the harts of alot of G.I.Joe collectors and those were only the beginning. Hasbro already has 6 more comic sets in the works re-creating figures as they appeared in issues number 4-9 of the classic G.I.Joe comic series from Marvel using "Real American Hero" type figure molds like those from the 80's. The sets come with re-prints of the Marvel Comic and will include the following figures:
Issue #4: Sgt Zap, Grunt (undercover), Snake-Eyes

Issue #5: General Flagg, Cobra Officer, Steeler

Issue #6: Schrage, Daina & Brekhov

Issue #7: Horror show, Stormavich, Stalker

Issue #8: Rock N' Roll, Short Fuse, Flash

Issue #9: Breaker, Cobra Commander (Hologram), Scarlett

No word on what issues we could see released after these, though it was said at the
2004 GI Joe Collector Convention Conventions that they would not necessarily be in issue numerical order after issue 9, and was even hinted that a 3-pack based on issue #21 could be up soon. Issue #21 is the classic Slient Issue with Destro, Snake-Eyes and the 1st appearance of Storm Shadow.
Look for issues 4-6 to hit shleves in September/October 2004 and issues 7-9 in December 04/January 05.
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