Some people say that ninjas own the night. If that’s the case, SNAKE EYES owns the whole twenty four hours. Anybody who isn’t a mouth-breather has a reasonable change of sneaking up behind a sentry in the dark. SNAKE EYES can do it at high noon on a gravel path with no cover. He is proficient in twelve martial arts systems and a master of the same ninja clan (Arashikage) that produced STORM SHADOW. In short: DON’T MESS WITH SNAKE EYES!
First 4 Figures is excited to be kicking off a new series of GI Joe statues called Man and Machine with the introduction of Snake Eyes on his Ninja Lightening cycle. This version of SNAKE EYES is based on the Valor Vs Venom GI Joe series. There are two versions. The regular version will feature his standard base with a F4F exclusive version featuring a diorama street scene only available here.
Product information:
Dimensions: 9.5” long (motorbike)
Expected shipping date: April 2006
Price: $159.99
Edition size: 999 (Regular – featuring standard base)
100 (F4F Exclusive – featuring diorama base)
Artist: Herbert Lowis
You can order the Exclusive version directly
Don’t forget that this is the first in a series of GI Joe Man and Machine statues so order early to ensure a low number for the whole line. As always, comes with a F4F authenticity card which will allow you to pre-order the same number for the entire series. Low numbers on a first come first serve basis. Please note that F4F exclusive version will be number 1-100, with the regular edition starting from 101.
About First 4 Figures
First 4 Figures is a subsidiary of Puzzle Productions. Puzzle Productions manufactures and markets high quality resin figures under the brand name First 4 Figures. Included in its product line up includes famous licenses such as WWE, MAGIC: THE GATHERING, and TRANSFORMERS.
About Hasbro
The Hasbro Properties Group (HPG), the intellectual property development arm of Hasbro, Inc., (NYSE:HAS), translates one of the industry's richest portfolios of brands into a world of fun and excitement for children and adults globally. Through a host of publishing, lifestyle and entertainment platforms, HPG is able to surround fans worldwide with consumer products that expand Hasbro's core brands, such as TRANSFORMERS, DUEL MASTERS, MY LITTLE PONY, MONOPOLY and CANDY LAND, beyond the toy and game aisle, creating rich lifestyle experiences.
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