only so many times you can write the same thing over and over about a custom so....
ditto to all the above @smilepunch@
The head is a modified version of his JvC head.
The brainwave scanner is a Metal Gear Solid torture rack and a learning chair form Battlefield Earth
Great job on the custom. Whats the Brainwave scanner from??
Is that agent faces mask you used for his head?
The big mustache is too show how manly he is.
Really great work here, the only thing I would change would be the mustache as it seems a bit too big. Not a biggie though and the figure looks great and production quality.
Very nice!
Great custom, very nicely done!
That is awesome
LOL I love what you are doing with the Indiana Jones figures
That's PERFECTION...right there buddy! I'll 2nd the comment for hasbro to take NOTE and pretty much just mass produce this version of yours right here.