First pics from (link)
These look pretty sweet.I hope they don't sell too fast because they seem worth buying,but when a 150+ dollars a piece at 2-3 month intervals it seems a little hard to keep up with the line.
I hear what you're saying but I'm going to be real pissed if they don't get all six major characters out. Kind of like Sideshow and their LOTR line.
These look pretty sweet.I hope they don't sell too fast because they seem worth buying,but when a 150+ dollars a piece at 2-3 month intervals it seems a little hard to keep up with the line.
The Comedian figure will be revealed at Comic-Con
YO CHECK IT OUT! BBTS is smokin crack if they think SS is worth that much!(link)
Please Note: We are currently unsure of the MSRP of this item and do not know if the item will be domestically distributed or if it will be imported. We will adjust the price lower as more information is received.
for there sake they better make good on lowering the price.
F them. I'll get it off an Asian eBay seller for at least $20 cheaper.
CJ have you ever delt with thoes over seas auction before? I've seen them on the Bay but have been a lil sceptical. I mean over freakin seas is far ass hell. I can't hop on a trainn or bus and go kick some one's ass if they burn me for my cash. If you have delt with over seas sellars before who's good to deal with and won't screw you over?
YO CHECK IT OUT! BBTS is smokin crack if they think SS is worth that much!(link)
Please Note: We are currently unsure of the MSRP of this item and do not know if the item will be domestically distributed or if it will be imported. We will adjust the price lower as more information is received.
for there sake they better make good on lowering the price.
F them. I'll get it off an Asian eBay seller for at least $20 cheaper.
YO CHECK IT OUT! BBTS is smokin crack if they think SS is worth that much!
Please Note: We are currently unsure of the MSRP of this item and do not know if the item will be domestically distributed or if it will be imported. We will adjust the price lower as more information is received.
for there sake they better make good on lowering the price.
I'm wondering if the opera gloves and outer black sling bikini w/garters is sewn to the inner yellow bodysuit/leotard. If they're not, I'd remove the inner yellow bodysuit/leotard.and then do what..............pray tell might I ask.
Just leave the black sling bikini w/ garter, opera gloves and thigh high boots on the figure, and display her with my 12" G.I. Joe figures. That's all.
I'm wondering if the opera gloves and outer black sling bikini w/garters is sewn to the inner yellow bodysuit/leotard. If they're not, I'd remove the inner yellow bodysuit/leotard.
and then do what..............pray tell might I ask.
I'm wondering if the opera gloves and outer black sling bikini w/garters is sewn to the inner yellow bodysuit/leotard. If they're not, I'd remove the inner yellow bodysuit/leotard.