On ?1?/?7?/?2020 at 9:57 PM, EvilHayato said:As a person that started collecting figures with mcfarlanes and now has become a huge marvel legends fan, im very excited at the prospects of mcfarlane quality sculpts with articulation! these first rounds of figs hes done so far havent impressed me so hopefully the kinks get out before launching spawns line.
The Batman/Superman figures just released tell you what McFarlane's idea of "improved articulation" is. I cant believe any of these reviewers are swallowing this stuff. If any new-newish company had put these out like this, these reviewers would be stomping all over them. And with good reason. Forget Marvel Legends, these weren't even as good as DC Essentials.
Would love to see a line of these. The animated series they had on HBO is still one of my favorite shows ever made. Pissed it ended on a cliffhanger. If they can get good articulation to match the great character designs of this franchise I'm all in. I think it's going to take some time though since the higher articulation figures are still somewhat new for them in comparison to companies that have been doing it much longer like the ML and Black Series lines. Once they have more time working on it and find their groove I think they'll make some good quality stuff.
Todd McFarlane founded McFarlane Toys to make Spawn figures. I am surprised there wasnt a Spawn collectors line to compete with Marvel Legends and DC Multiverse already.
Not a fan of Spawn or the scale in general, so I don't really care one way or the other, but aren't touting a new Spawn line and vague promises of"improved" articulation things McFarlane has said a hundred times over the years?
Just saying.
I have all the original Spawn comics from the 90's but was never a huge Spawn fan in general, but I def would love to see some well articulated Spawn figures. The ones recently released for the Color Tops line were pretty much just mini-statues.
As a person that started collecting figures with mcfarlanes and now has become a huge marvel legends fan, im very excited at the prospects of mcfarlane quality sculpts with articulation! these first rounds of figs hes done so far havent impressed me so hopefully the kinks get out before launching spawns line.
I used to collect Spawn figures and comics. Medieval Spawn, Curse of the Spawn, the Redeemer. It would be nice to see them again with modern features, but I am not impressed with the new DC stuff at all.
Now this is good news!
Would love to see new figures of Malebolgia, Tremor, Overtkill,and Violator.
Yesssssssss! Ive been waiting for super articledSpawn figure for last 15years, while image anniversary figure was decent its too outdated now. Hopefully, we are going to get both classic and newer costume of Spawn. In all honesty,this made mefar more excited than their Dc reveals.