McFarlane Toys Officially Announces RAW-10 Creatures Line

by Jay Cochran
July 22, 2020
We first told you about these the other week, and now McFalrane Toys has released official images and details for their new creature line called RAW10. These figures will be sold exclusively at Walmart starting on August 1. The figures are made for kids 6yrs and older. See the official press release and images below.

Todd McFarlane, legendary creator, and McFarlane Toys creative force announced a new McFarlane designed creature toy line RAW10 coming exclusively to Walmart. McFarlane and the award-winning McFarlane Toys' design team have created a brand-new toy line and online comic series for creature and monster fans of all ages.

"I'm excited to get back to creating and designing creature and monster toys," Said Todd McFarlane, McFarlane Toys CEO and Creative Force. "Fan, collectors and kids alike can enjoy the new RAW10 World, upcoming online RAW10 comic series and collecting all the creatures.”

In the near future, the worlds of Super-Science and Primal Savagery have merged. Hidden away from prying eyes, the secret laboratories of RAW10 have created powerful warriors: part beast, part machine! But some have rebelled against their creator and have chosen to fight on the side of Humanity! Who will prove to be the strongest!

The first line of RAW10 toys features McFarlane's classic and fan-favorite comic gorilla CY-GOR, and brand-new McFarlane designed monsters and creatures. McFarlane Toys RAW10 creature toy line is available exclusively at Walmart. The line is available for pre-order now at and coming to store shelves on August 1.

McFarlane Toys RAW10 line-up:

SPECIES: Silverback Gorilla
ATTACKS: Power Slam, Monkey Punch, Rage Attack

The CY-GOR large set features moveable arms, legs, and head and comes with a FREE CY-GOR mini-comic poster. MSRP $19.99

CY-GOR is the pinnacle of the Robotic Animal Weapon (RAW) labs' science. He is the perfect combination of beast and machine. Designed as a test subject for RAW's newest cybernetic enhancements, CY-GOR exceeded his potential to become RAW's greatest success. His brute strength is augmented with metallic muscles, and his intellect, instincts, and reflexes are perfectly tuned with his built-in combat matrix. He was created to be a next-gen warrior. Now, the perfect weapon is on the loose and out of control.

SPECIES: Great White Shark
ATTACKS: Power Jaws, Frenzy Strike, Fin Attack

The FREN -Z large set has an articulated tail and moveable jaw and comes with a FREE FREN-Z mini-comic poster. MSRP $19.99

FREN-Z is the king of the ocean—every ocean. He is a mix of robotics and the DNA of a Great White Shark combined with the prehistoric Megalodon Super Shark for extra terror. FREN-Z was created to be the prototype for a new breed of aquatic weaponry. But the dangerous minds at the Robotic Animal Warrior (RAW) labs did their job too well, and FREN-Z escaped. Now he stalks the oceans, an unstoppable hunter—part-shark, part-machine, all-deadly.

SPECIES: King Cobra / Rattlesnake hybrid
ATTACKS: Coil Strike, Fang Strike, Hypno Gaze

The BATTLESNAKE small set comes with a flexible tale, moveable jaw, and articulated slide-out tongue and a FREE BATTLESNAKE mini-comic poster. MSRP $9.99

BATTLESNAKE is the product of mad science. Fusing reptile DNA with radical cyber-technology and self-powered Ion Core Energy systems, the engineers in the top-secret Robotic Animal Warrior (RAW) labs created a real monster. Possessing genius-level intelligence and futuristic combat programming, BATTLESNAKE can hypnotize his prey before striking with his piercing "techno fangs." His super-steel underbelly and reinforced hood protect him from attacks, and his sinister mind makes him a threat to all living things.

SPECIES: Velociraptor Dinosaur
ATTACKS: Claw Strike, Tail Whip, Power Bite

The RAPTAR features movable arms, legs, and head and comes with a FREE RAPTAR mini-poster. MSRP $9.99.

RAPTAR, and his wicked velociraptor brothers, were created in the top-secret Robotic Animal Warrior (RAW) labs. Combining ancient dinosaur DNA with advanced cybernetic machinery, the mad scientists in charge of RAW labs wanted to create the ultimate hunting party. The result was a trio of vicious beasts led by RAPTAR. Using linked intelligence coding, the brothers hunt as one, taking their commands from RAPTAR, and can track any target over any terrain. Alone they are dangerous. Together, they are unstoppable.

Collect all the RAW10 creatures; CY-GOR, FREN-Z, RAPTAR, and BATTLESNAKE. Figures sold separately. Be on the lookout for the upcoming online RAW10 comics series coming soon.

Enter to win a Todd McFarlane signed set of Raw10 July 22-31 during McFarlaneCon.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
JayC - 2020-08-05 @ 2:37 pm
On 8/3/2020 at 7:48 PM, tudortiger2000 said:

I think these figures harkensbackto the early McFarlane toys: great sculpting, but are more "staction" figures.

Yeah the thing is these are totally meant for young kid ages 6 years old.

tudortiger2000 - 2020-08-03 @ 11:48 pm

I think these figures harkensbackto the early McFarlane toys: great sculpting, but are more "staction" figures.

Belmont13 - 2020-07-23 @ 2:35 am
52 minutes ago, Roadpigmaster said:

That snake match Cobra from GI Joe... Can be a good addition.

Now that you mention, it does have a Cobra lair look to it. It would make a great diorama piece.

Lord_Scareglow - 2020-07-23 @ 1:48 am

I Do think these are very cool, but Walmart exclusive is a turn off, I don't think I'm going to try and collect this line but I do want to get Cy-gor to go in my Spawn collection , maybe we will see these in Canada at some point

Roadpigmaster - 2020-07-23 @ 1:45 am

That snake match Cobra from GI Joe... Can be a good addition.

Satam - 2020-07-22 @ 4:25 pm

I would have loved this stuff when I was ten.

mako - 2020-07-22 @ 4:05 pm

I actually like these. I'm guessing they're Mac's answer to those Walmart Godzilla figures.

They kinda take me back to those toy-lines of old. Looks like I've got a new line to collect.

Gilgamesh79 - 2020-07-22 @ 3:51 pm

I've already pre-ordered all 4. I miss Mcfarlane's older statue type figures. I like them much better than all the cut-up articulated figures today.

JayC - 2020-07-22 @ 3:26 pm

We first told you about these the other week, and now McFalrane Toys has released official images and details for their new creature line called RAW10. These figures will be sold exclusively at Walmart starting on August 1. The figures are made for kids 6yrs and older. See the official press release and images below.Todd McFarlane, legendary creator, and McFarlane Toys creative force announced a new McFarlane designed creature toy line RAW10 coming exclusively to Walmart. McFarlane and the award-winning McFarlane Toys' design team have created a brand-new toy line and online comic series for creature and monster fans of all ages."I'm excited to get back to creating and designing creature and monster toys," Said Todd McFarlane, McFarlane Toys CEO and Creative Force. "Fan, collectors and kids alike can enjoy the new RAW10 World, upcoming online RAW10 comic series and collecting all the creatures.In the near future, the worlds of Super-Science and Primal Savagery have merged. Hidden away from prying eyes, the secret laboratories of RAW10 have created powerful warriors: part beast, part machine! But some have rebelled against their creator and have chosen to fight on the side of Humanity! Who will prove to be the strongest!The first line of RAW10 toys features McFarlane's classic and fan-favorite comic gorilla CY-GOR, and brand-new McFarlane designed monsters and creatures. McFarlane Toys RAW10 creature toy line is available exclusively at Walmart. The line is available for pre-order now at and coming to store shelves on August 1.McFarlane Toys RAW10 line-up:CODENAME: CY-GOR SPECIES: Silverback GorillaATTACKS: Power Slam, Monkey Punch, Rage AttackThe CY-GOR large set features moveable arms, legs, and head and comes with a FREE CY-GOR mini-comic poster. MSRP $19.99CY-GOR is the pinnacle of the Robotic Animal Weapon (RAW) labs' science. He is the perfect combination of beast and machine. Designed as a test subject for RAW's newest cybernetic enhancements, CY-GOR exceeded his potential to become RAW's greatest success. His brute strength is augmented with metallic muscles, and his intellect, instincts, and reflexes are perfectly tuned with his built-in combat matrix. He was created to be a next-gen warrior. Now, the perfect weapon is on the loose and out of control.CODENAME: FREN-ZSPECIES: Great White SharkATTACKS: Power Jaws, Frenzy Strike, Fin Attack

The FREN -Z large set has an articulated tail and moveable jaw and comes with a FREE FREN-Z mini-comic poster. MSRP $9.99FREN-Z is the king of the oceanevery ocean. He is a mix of robotics and the DNA of a Great White Shark combined with the prehistoric Megalodon Super Shark for extra terror. FREN-Z was created to be the prototype for a new breed of aquatic weaponry. But the dangerous minds at the Robotic Animal Warrior (RAW) labs did their job too well, and FREN-Z escaped. Now he stalks the oceans, an unstoppable hunterpart-shark, part-machine, all-deadly.CODENAME: BATTLESNAKESPECIES: King Cobra / Rattlesnake hybridATTACKS: Coil Strike, Fang Strike, Hypno GazeThe BATTLESNAKE small set comes with a flexible tale, moveable jaw, and articulated slide-out tongue and a FREE BATTLESNAKE mini-comic poster. MSRP $9.99BATTLESNAKE is the product of mad science. Fusing reptile DNA with radical cyber-technology and self-powered Ion Core Energy systems, the engineers in the top-secret Robotic Animal Warrior (RAW) labs created a real monster. Possessing genius-level intelligence and futuristic combat programming, BATTLESNAKE can hypnotize his prey before striking with his piercing "techno fangs." His super-steel underbelly and reinforced hood protect him from attacks, and his sinister mind makes him a threat to all living things.CODENAME: RAPTARSPECIES: Velociraptor DinosaurATTACKS: Claw Strike, Tail Whip, Power BiteThe RAPTAR features movable arms, legs, and head and comes with a FREE RAPTAR mini-poster. MSRP $9.99.RAPTAR, and his wicked velociraptor brothers, were created in the top-secret Robotic Animal Warrior (RAW) labs. Combining ancient dinosaur DNA with advanced cybernetic machinery, the mad scientists in charge of RAW labs wanted to create the ultimate hunting party. The result was a trio of vicious beasts led by RAPTAR. Using linked intelligence coding, the brothers hunt as one, taking their commands from RAPTAR, and can track any target over any terrain. Alone they are dangerous. Together, they are unstoppable.Collect all the RAW10 creatures;

CY-GOR, FREN-Z, RAPTAR, and BATTLESNAKE. Figures sold separately. Be on the lookout for the upcoming online RAW10 comics series coming soon.Enter to win a Todd McFarlane signed set of Raw10 July 22-31 during McFarlaneCon.

JayC - 2020-07-19 @ 3:18 pm
32 minutes ago, Mr_Scary92 said:

Yes, there may be interest from other retailers in this stuff or not, but what I meant is if they would have appeal among children. I mean, these weirdos aren't backed up by a media project, like a TV show or a video game, and you know that children prefer videogames and if any, toys based on those video games.

That I dont know. Cybernetic animals I would think would appeal to kids but i dont pretend to really understand the minds of young kids today.

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