4 hours ago, Admiral_Brockbar said:I don't think McFarlane has included an extra head in any release...ever. (as far as I know) Hard enough to get extra hands on occasion.
Thats a whole 'nother figure release for Todd!! Lol
White knight Joker came with an extra head.
4 hours ago, LordVenger said:Yes that unpainted head is way cooler than the painted one. What is up with that? I would be tempted to get this if that head is included with the painted version.
I don't think McFarlane has included an extra head in any release...ever. (as far as I know) Hard enough to get extra hands on occasion.
Thats a whole 'nother figure release for Todd!! Lol
McF is doing nice things with W40k....
Would be nice if they made 7" fig sets......
A "Kill Team" set (Death Korps VS Orc Kommandos) etc
I hope so ;^)
16 hours ago, obs said:Yes, they are mega sized compared to the rest. These are big beefy, dense figures like some of the Spawn figures and they're even more impressive when you put all the stuff they come with on them. They're not only truly that much thicker, but quite a bit taller. Not Mythic Legions Cave Troll big, but they're bigger than they look.
I noticed the Genestealer unpainted figure comes with a completely different Cthulhu head that I don't see in the package of the fully painted version. Is this a different figure with a variant head or is there an extra head buried down in the box that shows on one group of pics but nowhere to be found on the other? That's full blown Cthulhu. It also features knife like weapons that the other is missing and the arms themselves might be different or maybe tweaked a bit. Just looking at the group shot above, those are definitely two different figures, so either there are extra parts or they accidentally included a 3rd character or maybe it's all explained and I just missed it in the descriptions.
Yes that unpainted head is way cooler than the painted one. What is up with that? I would be tempted to get this if that head is included with the painted version.
The Orc's are pretty rad I gotta say, but that Tyranid Genestealer is like the most awesome looking bad ass thing I've seen in a long time I desperately need that! also that unpainted one comes with a Cthulu head? is there going to be a painted version with that head I need these Genestealers my god.
I don't really collect this line- but they look cool. Once again sculpt work on McFarlane figures is immaculate.
I tried to scale the stands to match as best as I could
Assuming the stands are correctly sized to each, individual figure:
If the stand is standard size, like the Marine on the left, then he has a bit more mass, but really no taller.
If the stand is megasized, like Darkseid's stand on the right, then he is going to be massive...
I guess we will see once they start showing in hand images.
4 hours ago, obs said:Yes, they are mega sized compared to the rest. These are big beefy, dense figures like some of the Spawn figures and they're even more impressive when you put all the stuff they come with on them. They're not only truly that much thicker, but quite a bit taller. Not Mythic Legions Cave Troll big, but they're bigger than they look.
Have you found any pictures with marines for comparison?
can't wait to get these, thought I will say the Genestealer paint scheme is a little bland for me but I would repaint it to suit my needs anyway.
3 hours ago, Admiral_Brockbar said:Are they really 'Mega-sized' though? If thats standard megasize packaging, they dont look to be much bigger than a Space Marine in height..maybe a little wider. all three reuse legs, torso and upper arms.
Overall, I would say McFarlane has been giving pretty good value for toys, keeping the majority at $20 (although I expect that to change soon). It evens out fair for me in the long run, but I don't like his trend with these. Already preorder btw.
yup the Orks are Mega sized . just look at the bases they come with as they are all the same base size so if you already have some the marines you can roughly guess the size from that