So, any thoughts on if a mullet release of solar suit is in the pipe?
wish the Clayface was a bit taller even though I like his bulk to him. And the sculpt and everything else is still good. I can do without everything else. Titan joker looks awesome but I'm not the hugest fan of that lol. Will def pick up Clayface.
I'll probably pick up Clayface and Zod. I'm always a sucker for a Clayface figure and I like the design of that Zod even if I don't like the scale.
Man, joker is HUGE! I know it's not really return of Superman solar suit but I think I'm getting it anyway
Does anyone know how to get McFarlane to replace a defective figure? My Lobos knee ripped right off the bat when I tried to bend it like a normal figure. Their customer service doesnt answer, but maybe they are still off for the holidays theyve replaced figures for me before but the last two I bought broke right away and they stopped answering me. Its not just me, I never break anything - and I treat them all with hot and cold water before I move them around. This line has gone to hell fast.
Clayface looks better then the promo shots, the articulated Jaw is a really nice touch, seeing the Titan Joker here though makes me even more convinced this can't even touch the DCC version which was amazing, Martian looks cool sure, but the fact he has some glowing hinges is weird, should have done a glow variant, that I might be interested in, Superman and General zod look so blah, maybe Clayface might be a buy.
That Titan Joker I'm still uncertain about, on one hand he looks very menacing and do like the size. On the other I just don't see the point of actually owning him as cool as it is. The Clayface is nice, really like this. Might get him.
Zod looks great. Not feeling titan joker though. I'm now on the fence for clayface though.
I know these are very preliminary, but these are just bad. Especially that Titan Joker. Wow.
Here the figs are defo looking better than off pics.