Now this is a MegaFig I can get behind. Looks really well done.
This looks good, I hope this makes way for a comic book Darkseid.
This looks really good. Must buy for me.
Kalibak looks amazing, I hope the in-hand shows up as good-looking as the glamour shot. I remember him fondly from the Bruce Timm Superman:The Animated Series.
I'll have to pick it up. Love the New Gods
It's ok, easy pass just because of being more select full of space problems.
Looks my shelves are going to get a little more crowded...
Great figure. Very Jack Kirby look to it.
This Kalibak looks great!! It's a must buy for me. I'd love to see a side by side of this and the Mattel Collect-N-Connect one. To the best of my knowledge, this is the 2nd figure that McFarlane has done from the Darkseid War. The blue suit Lex Luthor with throne was the first.
this is actually an awesome figure, I just wish Todd would make a few waves dedicated to the classic looks, I get it he likes specific stories but I and so many would be greatly pleased if he did classic looks for these characters, but this is a good looking figure, like to see the potential Darkseid from this story and a Wonder Woman, could be cool to see Mister Miracle and Big Barda 2 pack as well.