I have never been able to get into McFarlane' s DC Multiverse stuff on a large scale.
For one reason or another there is always at LEAST one glaring detail that ruins a figure for me. Usually it's the sculpt. Which speaks volumes. Martian Manhunter had no nech and a squished head, nearly every figures legs are too long. A different era Hawkman is cosplaying as classic HM.
I did recently grab the Blue/Grey Knightfall Batman and Hush Superman because they looked amazing in package. Seems consistency is another issue....
I'd had though about trying to put together the Big 7 Justice League but many of these figures look like they are from different lines...
It's good to see we are getting somewhat classic Hawkman but color scheme here is way too bright and vibrant that clashes with existing sculpt, if they used slightly more muted coloring it would fit better with existing body sculpt and make more interesting figure that isn't as jarring, ArtFX statue of Classic Hawkman is good example of such coloring scheme
I thought these Platinum chase figures were randomly packed and distributed. So, is BBTS pulling these out of the pack then boosting the price by 20 bucks?
Shown below is the new McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Platinum Edition Sinestro, Hawkman and Firestorm 7-inch Scale Figures are available IN STOCK from our sponsor BigBadToyStore.com with a suggested retail price of $49.99 each.
1 hour ago, jwheeler0805 said:REALLY want a classic Hawkman in the classic colors, but this Platinum edition is rough, with the unpainted body hair, inaccurate parts (like the gauntlet, tiny glove and - wth - a quilted diaper?), etc. Hmmmm....
Exactly,I hope some day we get an actual classic Hawkman.
REALLY want a classic Hawkman in the classic colors, but this Platinum edition is rough, with the unpainted body hair, inaccurate parts (like the gauntlet, tiny glove and - wth - a quilted diaper?), etc. Hmmmm....
12 minutes ago, RickytheRockstar said:is this a factory sample or the actual figure? how come the chest hair and arm chest isn't painted? looks weird
Betting it's the actual figure. A poorly-planned slapdash repaint which is really nothing new for McFarlane. They're the colors I want on a design that I don't, and since Todd is going to keep trying to maximize those wings, I suspect he'll eventually release an actual classic Hawkman, so it's an easy pass on this one. Hopefully he'll be mindful enough on the next one to give us a headsculpt that doesn't have hair barring the figure from looking up.
Also, he somehow made that tiny little hand look even worse with the haphazard approach to that wrist.
3 hours ago, toynewman said:Shown below via JohnnysFigures is an in-hand look at the new DC Multiverse Platinum Editon Hawkman 7-inch Scale Figure from McFarlane Toys. Pre-order from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth with a suggested retail price of $29.99.. You can also purchase this at Amazon.. Please remember that ALL McFarlane Platinum Edition figures are not guaranteed with a pre-order, they are randomly inserted into orders.
is this a factory sample or the actual figure? how come the chest hair and arm hair isn't painted? looks weird
Either version of Hawkman works for me but I think I'm going to wait till hes been out for a while and the prices are lowered before I get him.
Shown below via JohnnysFigures is an in-hand look at the new DC Multiverse Platinum Editon Hawkman 7-inch Scale Figure from McFarlane Toys. Pre-order from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth with a suggested retail price of $29.99.. You can also purchase this at Amazon.. Please remember that ALL McFarlane Platinum Edition figures are not guaranteed with a pre-order, they are randomly inserted into orders.