41 minutes ago, Lord_Scareglow said:I guess The Dude and Blues Brothers are pretty crazy in their own right, could be Maniacs? subjective, But yes true as I didn't take into consideration Pennywise, Wicked Witch and Clark..yeah they are pretty wild and potentially Maniac, Aragorn...I dunno he was pretty not Maniacish but maybe he did do a ton of slaughtering of Orcs, could be Maniac-ish, sure okay I guess if you look at it like that, sure can make sense, I guess I just usually tend, and others to not think of them as the Maniac that seem obvious.
I just think this line would be better off with a new name, Like Movie Icons or something of that nature.
it just seems a bit of a throw off with that name, for those who remember the previous line and it's character selection.
It's just a name, dude. One that Todd owns. And one that obviously has recognition among collectors, which is an important element to selling these. Try not to take things so literally. Die Hard, Terminator 2, and Silence of the Lambs were massive hits, not "cult classics," but that didn't stop NECA. They're just names.
1 minute ago, Satam said:The days of "McFarlane Toys. It's an attitude," have been gone for a long time. And they're not coming back. That's been obvious for a while now. With that in mind, explain how The Dude and The Blues Brothers don't make sense. Why don't Pennywise, Clark Griswold, Aragorn, and The Wicked Witch of the West make sense?
I guess The Dude and Blues Brothers are pretty crazy in their own right, could be Maniacs? subjective, But yes true as I didn't take into consideration Pennywise, Wicked Witch and Clark..yeah they are pretty wild and potentially Maniac, Aragorn...I dunno he was pretty not Maniacish but maybe he did do a ton of slaughtering of Orcs, could be Maniac-ish, sure okay I guess if you look at it like that, sure can make sense, I guess I just usually tend, and others to not think of them as the Maniac that seem obvious.
I just think this line would be better off with a new name, Like Movie Icons or something of that nature.
it just seems a bit of a throw off with that name, for those who remember the previous line and it's character selection.
14 minutes ago, Lord_Scareglow said:True that they were not all "horror" but most certainly they were "Horrorish" or Thriller, I mean T-800, Sarah, Edward are all horrish, and Robocop and Snake are R thriller type characters, I think they still had that Hard edge to them, but yes to be correct I guess they were not all full on Horror, but majority were, and they all at least were pretty Maniac, the character selection at least made some sense.
The days of "McFarlane Toys. It's an attitude," have been gone for a long time. And they're not coming back. That's been obvious for a while now. With that in mind, explain how The Dude and The Blues Brothers don't make sense. Why don't Pennywise, Clark Griswold, Aragorn, and The Wicked Witch of the West make sense?
22 hours ago, Satam said:They weren't all horror...Snake Plissken, Shaft, The T-800, Sarah Connor, Edward Scissorhands, Robocop. But yeah, I'm not a big fan of the character choices for "Movie Maniacs" these days. I think Clark Griswold and the Wicked Witch of the West make some sense, but I also didn't buy them. The Dude and Jake Blues make a lot of sense, too. There's deviation from a lot of the sci-fi and action and horror that dominated the first iteration of the line, but it makes sense to make figures of iconic movie characters. And I'll be honest, if they wind up making Elwood Blues, too, I may consider getting both him and his brother. Regardless of how little articulation they have.
True that they were not all "horror" but most certainly they were "Horrorish" or Thriller, I mean T-800, Sarah, Edward are all horrish, and Robocop and Snake are R thriller type characters, I think they still had that Hard edge to them, but yes to be correct I guess they were not all full on Horror, but majority were, and they all at least were pretty Maniac, the character selection at least made some sense.
3 hours ago, Satam said:And I'll be honest, if they wind up making Elwood Blues, too, I may consider getting both him and his brother. Regardless of how little articulation they have.
I agree... I can't see how they can make Jake and not Elwood. I have a feeling that Elwood might be a chase figure or they'll make them together in a box set.
52 minutes ago, Lord_Scareglow said:Loved that line, and it made sense since the characters they did were Maniacs from Horror Movies, now sure they did have "articulation" it wasn't a ton, but really fantastic figures, still have all of mine, don't need updates. Really what Todd is doing now with this line is just dookie dumps, characters from TV shows , and nobody is a maniac...see below
They weren't all horror...Snake Plissken, Shaft, The T-800, Sarah Connor, Edward Scissorhands, Robocop. But yeah, I'm not a big fan of the character choices for "Movie Maniacs" these days. I think Clark Griswold and the Wicked Witch of the West make some sense, but I also didn't buy them. The Dude and Jake Blues make a lot of sense, too. There's deviation from a lot of the sci-fi and action and horror that dominated the first iteration of the line, but it makes sense to make figures of iconic movie characters. And I'll be honest, if they wind up making Elwood Blues, too, I may consider getting both him and his brother. Regardless of how little articulation they have.
2 hours ago, DarthKane said:Does anyone else remember when Movie Maniacs were based on movie characters and had articulation?
Loved that line, and it made sense since the characters they did were Maniacs from Horror Movies, now sure they did have "articulation" it wasn't a ton, but really fantastic figures, still have all of mine, don't need updates. Really what Todd is doing now with this line is just dookie dumps, characters from TV shows , and nobody is a maniac...see below
1 hour ago, RobertD said:I concede there was the occasional arm swivel here and there. Loathe as I am to call that articulation, it's certainly better than we get these days.
That said, "Sheldon in a Flash costume" being considered a "maniac" is a hill I'm willing to die on.
Oh that's a Hill I'm on with you.... Yuck.
1 hour ago, DarthKane said:Does anyone else remember when Movie Maniacs were based on movie characters and had articulation?
I concede there was the occasional arm swivel here and there. Loathe as I am to call that articulation, it's certainly better than we get these days.
That said, "Sheldon in a Flash costume" being considered a "maniac" is a hill I'm willing to die on.
Does anyone else remember when Movie Maniacs were based on movie characters and had articulation?