Attn: Warner Bros (Ye who have the licensing rights to TCats)
Fr: R. Tomassi, Sr. VP of things you ought to be doing, but ain't
RE: Thundercats
See these? If you made these we would ALL BUY THESE. Because they look AWESOME. And you would make LOTS OF MONEY. And yet, you sit on the license thinking if it gets warm under your ass long enough, magic elves will come in the night and give you gold dubloons. In summation, you are big dummies.
Rollo and the rest of the people who want you get off your big, lazy tushes and make with the TCats figures already.
i think that is some great work. I always admire the people who do the thundercats customs. they are usually so clean. these are no exception. and look at the weapons..great work
son!!!!! The Thundrercats are fantastic!!!!
Mattel, Hasbro, or whomever need to look you up and re-do that line of toys
but man, show me some shots of Mum-Ra
he looked the best to me
excellent, man.
lion-o looks perfect and love how tygra came out.
by the way, how did you sculpt the hair of cheetarah and how did you paint the eyes? she looks beautiful.
Thanks,Really Appreciate the Compliments, Im working on the Twins Wiley Kit/Kat right now..Will Post it also as soon as im Finish..Oh! BTW,Jay why AMIGATOYS?? LOL..
Holy moly those are fantastic! Great job!
Those are awesome, really great work! Congrats on COTW, you deserve it.
Best Thundercat customs I've seen!!!! @firedevil@
Those are the greatest customs and figures i have ever seen if you ever sell them please please please send me a pm
they are all perfect!
excellent combo part!
and excellent paint job!
in other words it's an art work!