**Press Release**
Like the mighty grizzly shaking off his wintry torpor and emerging from his lair in spring, or the majestic phoenix rising from the ashes in cliché-like fashion or, in all likelihood, much more like an indomitable army of ghoulish reanimated dead roused from their graves by a mad genius whose insatiable desire for power, or probably just for a harem of short-haired hot girls in black-rimmed glasses, has led him to horrific acts of dark magic, or -- well, look, you're just going to have to make up your own simile for this amazing event, for I am too overcome with emotions that one cannot speak of in polite society. Just take care to ensure that your words are grand enough to convey the pure majesty and glory of this thing that has returned to us and is once again gracing the pages and annals of comics, this thing in the form of a little flesh nugget of stinking open sores, filthy pink fur and endless weeping that "they" call le Fillerbunny.
That's right, children. Critically-reviled master something-or-another Jhonen Vasquez has returned from darkest space and is once again hunched over in a furious sick, preparing to vomit out even more joy for comic readers the world around. And how better to set his nefarious plans in motion than with Fillerbunny, a suffering creature originally created to fill a single page and whose existence was mercilessly extended to fill two sixteen-page comics, each one drawn over the course of one day? That'll work, right? Oh, you doubt, but this time, my sweetlings, this time, it is Fillerbunny in My Worst Book Yet!, 24 pages of torment and horrible excretions, two of them in mind-blowing FULL COLOR. And Jhonen took more than one day to finish it! You will see Fillerbunny as you've never seen him before, quite possibly consistently drawn and with fine details that you will reach out at the comic pages wondering “How did they do that?! How can this be possible?!”
All this can be yours in March 2005, when SLG Publishing will risk the wrath of God by publishing this affront to man and nature. Fillerbunny in My Worst Book Yet! will be all you've come to expect from Jhonen Vasquez and more... so much more. So you'll have no problem paying the measly $2.95 it takes to make it YOURS.
"Truly it is my masterwork." said Vasquez of his unholy creation. "Let the people rejoice, for I have returned to the realm of comics, much to the dismay of all but ten, maybe twelve people. It is both a joyous, and yet sad time, as I feel much like Peter Jackson must have felt upon completing his Lord of the Rings trilogy…only this is not part of a trilogy, and people hate me."
"What, you want me to say something else about this horrid little book? But look at all that up there! Did that not convince you of how awesome it is?" SLG's editor-in-chief Jennifer de Guzman said very wearily and very, very seriously. "All right: it's vile, and it probably will make you vomit. But because you're a sick wretch, it'll make you laugh, too. That's what you want, right? I know it is because I tell you what you want."
Fillerbunny in My Worst Book Yet! is available for pre-order now from Diamond Comics and other distributors and will be in stores in March 2005. Get thee to SLG Publishing's website,
www.slavelabor.com, to see a preview.
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