As this year closes out, a new publisher on the block (and Canadian no less) is prepared to usher in something new. Septagon Studios' debut release, Scorn, is ready to launch, and that's just the beginning of their plans. TNI's Damien Wood has returned just for the opportunity to sit down with Septagon Studios' founder, Nicola Defina...
Damien Wood (TNI): I guess the obvious place to start would be to ask how the formation of Septagon Studios came about...
Nicola Defina (Septagon): Septagon Studios was a project derived from the heart. It developed because of my commitment to my hobby, collecting comics, and my desire in writing them. I have been writing ever since I can remember. The whole concept was based on ideas and rough sketches. As the years progressed everything became clear to me. If we can organize our ideas and create something truly unique, then why shouldn’t we share it with the rest of the world? Then Septagon Studios was born.
TNI: How long has this been in the works?
Nick: Septagon Studios Inc. has been in the works for the past five years, and was founded in 2003. Various designs, numerous concepts and hard work are what made Septagon Studios what it is today. It has been a long and joyous process. To see your work come to life is something that is truly rewarding.
TNI: Why was now the time to do it?
Nick: Well timing is everything nowadays. We believed the industry was a place solemnly built around the genre of superheroes with the exception of a few independent companies. Those independent companies have influenced me heavily and will continue do so. Septagon Studios believes that the comic world needs some spicing up with major twists. It is not just about the story, or just about the art, it is about a combination of the two and the form they are presented to us. Septagon Studios wants to expand its creations through various formats. The time to launch was ideal for us because we believe there are not enough Canadian Comic book publishers in the industry. We want to bring new limits and new standards to the market.
TNI: In your eyes, where does Septagon Studios fit within the current comic book industry?
Nick: The current Comic Book industry is ruled by two publishers. They are the dominant force and are in a league of their own. We want to focus on the independent side of the market. We are looking to make an impact that will leave people wanting more. We want to be unique, by bringing a different look to traditional and modern day comics.
TNI: You're coming out blazing with Scorn - tell us about Septagon Studios' debut project...
Nick: Scorn is a masterpiece. Moyers love for the book is evident from the first panel to the last as his writing takes the reader through a whirlwind of dark Emotions making for an excellent read. Moyers creative use of actual Chicago landmarks and events adds a sense of realism to the story and with Neundorf’s gritty and unique artwork, this dark and emotional tale of revenge is brought to life.
It is one of those projects you don’t see very often and we are glad for it to be our debut title. I can’t give too much away, or it will ruin the surprises that you’re in for. It will be solicited late 2005.
TNI: What else is currently on slate to come out of Septagon Studios?
Nick: Currently we have a few other projects that are in the contract negotiation stage, we have several projects we cannot reveal. Once the news breaks, it will be posted on our website. We plan to move into various genres with our projects.
TNI: Can we expect a regular monthly line-up of titles, or will it be more project-by-project?
Nick: Currently Septagon Studios will publish limited series that will be monthly. We are not ready to unleash a monthly line-up of titles just yet. We want to give readers a taste of what we are all about. We are not here to hurt our readers or retailers’ pockets. We are young and bold and want to market each book properly and give its rightful attention.
TNI: Will Septagon Studios be developing any in-house projects (work-for-hire), or sticking solely with creator-owned?
Nick: Currently we are enforcing creator-owned projects. But in the near future Septagon Studios will be announcing in-house projects with some very notable creators within the industry.
TNI: Speaking of the creators, in your opinion, what makes Septagon Studios the ideal place to call home for their projects
Nick: We have high standards, making each project standout. We focus and give their projects full attention. We make the creators feel wanted. We keep in close contact with our creators. Communication is a main focus for Septagon Studios.
At Septagon Studios, we value our creators with the highest respect.
TNI: And for creators-to-be, if someone has a killer story pitch or art style, what do they need to do to get in with Septagon Studios?
Nick: We have been receiving many questions regarding this matter. We ask for proposals or pitches preferably, we are not hiring writers or artists. We will keep them on database. Here is an example, if we happen to receive a killer pitch we will go through our library of respected artists and match your script with various artists that we feel gives your book the right mood and suits the story. We open the doors to creators its up to them if they want to walk through it. Everything can be found on our
Proposals section of the
Septagon Studios website if there are any questions do not hesitate to contact us via email.
TNI: Any interest in offering exclusive contracts to your creators? It does seem to be the industry trend of late...
Nick: Yes it does seem to be the industry trend as of late. We want our creators to expand their opportunities. We are here to bring creators imaginations to life that is our obligation. Once we feel that Septagon Studios is ready with its in-house projects then you can expect to see some exclusive contracts, but nothing is set in stone as of yet.
TNI: Assuming everything goes off without a hitch, where would you like to see Septagon Studios five years down the road?
Nick: I think it is best put by author William Jennings Bryan: ‘Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.’
I hope in 5 years to see Septagon Studios as one of the top Canadian Comic Book publishers in the comic book industry.
Damien Wood writes things. Sometimes he even writes things well. As a member of TNI's staff, he brings you spiffy things like this. As a glutton for punishment, he can be contacted here.