This Eternia play-set is the ultimate tribute to the everlasting battle between good and evil, but we can’t do it without your help. Share the crowdfund and bring this limited-offer Ultimate Battleground home for only $550! Launching 10/12 on
— Masters of the Universe (@MastersOfficial) October 4, 2022
I haven't received mine yet. But I plan on doing a live unboxing when I do!
Looks good but too big for my collection...??
I just got my Eternia in but can't open it until I make some room. Looking at these glorious pictures makes me very happy I decided to get one. It seems to scale with Masterverse and Classics. In comparison to Classics Snake Mountain it seems that Snake Mountain is still bigger and taller but Eternia is impressive non the less.
From the looks of it Mattel really did a fantastic job with this iconic playset!
Shown below via preternia is an in-hand look at the new Mattel Creations Masters of the Universe Crowdfunded Eternia Playset from Mattel. This playset was a crowdfunded item from Mattel Creations in 2022. As of now the only way to get this item is through the secondary market.
Packaging looks good. Unfortunately I will probably never own this unless they put out some type of single release.
Aw I wish I could get that Moat Monster without having to get Eternia, it's so awesome, but not buy Eternia awesome. I always was so into Moat Monster as a kid, seeing him, I always wondered...hey what's Moat Monster up too, we should have an action figure cause he's dope.
gonna pretend I didn't see this.....
Honestly I wish he didn't come in his own box. Now I'm going to be torn between keeping him in package or pulling him out.
Shown below via toyhabits is a packaged look at the new Masters of the Universe Moat Monster from the Mattel Creations Crowdfunded Eternia Playset from Mattel.
I know most people seem to prefer the classic version, but this is absolutely the version of Man at Arms that Ive been waiting for. I loved the new design.
Wish the exclusives were at a store that was easier to get to. I didn't care for Revelations, but a lot of the designs were still good.