At day 3 of ringside fest, Mattel announced they're going to be making figures of the Steiner Brothers. Which is a huge deal...the Steiners and a Harley rerelease have been on many people's wish lists for a while now (along with figures of Jarrett & Owen but those are definitely not happening anytime soon).
NWO 4 Life ???
Yes! Mattel finally brought back Harley!
Today is the second day ofRingside Fest 2022and todayRingside CollectibleshadRobert and StevefromMattel Designreveal some brand newWWE Figures: Elite 102 Judgement Day Rhea Ripley, Elite 102 Judgement Day Edge, Elite 102 Gunther, Elite 102 Commissioner Mick Foley, Elite 102 Austin Theory (Chase Variant Also), Elite Greatest Hits Blue Gear Batsta, Elite Greatest Hits King Harley Race, Ultimates Edition 17 Andre The GiantandUltimates Editions 17 Seth RollinsRingside Collectibles Retro nWo 2-packswill come incollector friendly package.AlsoRingside Collectibleswill be bringing backDefining Momentsexclusively to them with what appears to beMankindas the first figure with many more to come!