Wow!! The Mobat and the Rattler. I wonder what the differences are between these and the originals. Maybe I should sell my original Rattler soon.
Are those prices correct? How can the TRU exclusive officer 3 packs retail for $6.99? Also, what about the TRU 5-packs for $19.99. Is that right? I remember the last 5-packs were $24.99.
I'm curious as to how three figures are going to retail for 6.99. Especially when the singles are going for more than that in some areas.
Which leads me to wonder more about the reliability of other suggested prices. @hmmm@
I like the arctic and desert sets
Cloths for GI Joe figures....geez now were talking around the mid to late 1970's when I last saw them
Did anyone else notice the Cobra Commander with the blue trouble bubble has a blue neck? could this be some future pack with cobra-la? hmmm,I think you may be right. I like how the figure is in dark blue too. I've always wanted a dark blue battle helmet CC.
Well, It would fit if we got a BET with Roadblock and Cobra commander, Lifeline and Iceberg along with CObra commander turned into a snake. See, That might work. Or even through in a Big Lob! @loll@
Did anyone else notice the Cobra Commander with the blue trouble bubble has a blue neck? could this be some future pack with cobra-la? hmmm,I think you may be right. I like how the figure is in dark blue too. I've always wanted a dark blue battle helmet CC.
The CC seems a wash to me, but I LOVE the IG Destro in v1 colors they have in the red HISS tank. Though I am curious what happened to the desert Flint from the Ultimate Battle pack. The early pics Hisstank got had a tan Flint with black highlights being a part of the set, but the TNI and Yojoe images have him missing.
I'm wondering if he got pulled from the set, is getting reworked (the Joe figures are mostly green except for Steeler and Flint, but Steeler was already done in green, so he is understandable), or if he just got pulled out of the display case for some other reason.
Did anyone else notice the Cobra Commander with the blue trouble bubble has a blue neck? could this be some future pack with cobra-la? hmmm,
I think you may be right. I like how the figure is in dark blue too. I've always wanted a dark blue battle helmet CC.
Best start saving up money now after this year is done I'll probably be flat broke
Did anyone else notice the Cobra Commander with the blue trouble bubble has a blue neck? could this be some future pack with cobra-la? hmmm,
Well, while NOTHING is ever for certain, and it's almost ALWAYS a bad idea to assume anything (even if you're somebody who thinks they know everything) I'd dare make the uneducated, unknowing "assumption" that some of these figures were hastily slapped together, repainted or minorly modified, just for the con, as prototype figures? There's a few of them that look pretty funky, unpainted and such, so (hopefully) the blue neck on CC is just that, because it does look funky.
Did anyone else notice the Cobra Commander with the blue trouble bubble has a blue neck? could this be some future pack with cobra-la? hmmm,