Let me clarify that for you. The question was asked wiill we ever see the Cobra soldier from the 5 pack released as a single card figures and their answer was "we would be stupid not to do that." They clarified that they were indeed talking about the red logo and not the silver. John the designed understood that the silver emblem is the "viper Glider Pilot". What I got from this statment was that there currently aren't plans for a single pack cobra soldier with a red logo but that it made a lot of sense for them to do this in the future.
No. The red logo one will NOT be released with the Viper Pilot one in Wave 2. It will be released in a future wave.
Well that's a load off. I was afraid that it was going to be one of those chase variants that I'd never see. It would have made troop building it hard as hell. Good to hear about that. I hadn't planned on buying the Wave 2 Trooper anyway because of the silver logo and I was really disappointed cause I wanted an army of these guys.
I love Ripper. Great looking figure. Torch needs some work though. Gung Ho's lower arms just aren't working here. I'd rather see them using Shipwreck lower arms. And that vintage thrower ain't cutting it either. I hope they fix that before it hits the pegs. Other then that...he looks great too.
Well, I finally have a chance to chime in on this topic and as always I must say, it is nice to see more product being made. It does not surprise me that we get Noks, but there are others that want the figure in single pack. But if that were the case and we got/get them in single pack, then people would probably post that HASBRO is just putting out more repaints, blah, blah, blah. As the team stated in the rountables, they realize that there is going to be "another SE and SS" and that is why they change the paint aps on the re-issued characters. I am excitted to see that HAMA is back and the art work revealed thus far looks great. I for one want to see what the reception is like when the new comic packs (with new stories) come out to see what direction HASBRO will take on either renewling Devil Due or going with someone new.
As always you cannot please everyone, so I have to say, if you do not like it, don't buy it
I must say im glad to see Torch and Ripper, but me personally(even with marvel legends) im never a fan of reusing sculpts of characters that you will be posing together in a group you know, Ripper and Buzzer use pretty much the exact same sculpt, except different heads and upper torso, when you pose them together, i dont know...they are too similar, nothing to really differentiate themselves..it annoys me that everytime i will look at Ripper all i will see is Buzzer you know...they could have just gave him somebody elses arms and legs instead of Buzzers
Torch looks great..i may have to paint those sculpted Gung Ho arm bands black or something, but other than that im liking him
Im probably just going to use my VvV Ripper, he blends in nicely with the 25th figures, same with Zarana, until we actually get her
Torch and Ripper look great, although what's the deal with the reused Gung-Ho arms with flesh colored arm bands??? Let's hope that fix that before they're released. I too, would prefer them on single cards to go with Buzzer.
- The Cobra Trooper from the 5 pack will be released on a single card along with the current Viper Pilot one in wave 2.What does that mean? That the Red Logo version is going to be some kinda super rare chase like the Black Timber....or that a Red Logo Trooper will be released latter on?
No. The red logo one will NOT be released with the Viper Pilot one in Wave 2. It will be released in a future wave.
Love the figures but not a fan they are going to be in a two pack. Please, Please, Please I want all the figures in single carded figures... love the retro look.I second that!
I definitely agree. I hate that these two NOKS are wasted on a comic pack. I want them single carded.
the comic packs should be for other versions of characters already released in the single packs.. repaints etc... or for figures that never appeared on single packs
I want Torch and Ripper in single packs, up on my wall next to Buzzer
Great stuff. Great.Only thing that's worrying me is that Torch's torch (duh) has that molded-on plastic cable, just like the vintage figure. I hope they go with a bendable black cable, just like Ripper has.
Same worry applies to Flash.
Any info on this?
These were my exact thoughts over here yojoe.com just minutes ago. This is a big deal to me.
No info though as you can see from the images, the cable on Torch got broke when one of the designers was trying to put the pin in the hole of the backpack and the pin part snapped off, so that might have been a wake up call to em to change it right there. Also they made it very clear this weekend that they are reading your comments, complaints, suggestions ect ect on the boards, so knock you self out with giving your feedback on here. You all might even want to start a thread titled something like comments for Hasbro (Just keep the comments polite and productive).
Well good and bad news for you on Hasbro reading your comments here. Of the 4 guys I really got to speak to from the Hasbro team, none of them had heard of TNI. They look mostly at the more joe focused boards. So unless there are other people on the Hasbro team that come here, I don't think TNI is a frequent spot for them unfortunatly.
But on a more positive note I told Michael, one of the marketing guys, all about TNI and he actually wrote down "Toy News International" in his little note book he was carrying around with him. So at the very least if he goes back and looks at his notebook, he has our site written down. I also talked TNI up with Adam Pagano and Steve Bono. Don't know if they will actually look here but at least they know about us now! I tried guys! I realy did!
Great stuff. Great.Only thing that's worrying me is that Torch's torch (duh) has that molded-on plastic cable, just like the vintage figure. I hope they go with a bendable black cable, just like Ripper has.
Same worry applies to Flash.
Any info on this?
These were my exact thoughts over here yojoe.com just minutes ago. This is a big deal to me.
No info though as you can see from the images, the cable on Torch got broke when one of the designers was trying to put the pin in the hole of the backpack and the pin part snapped off, so that might have been a wake up call to em to change it right there. Also they made it very clear this weekend that they are reading your comments, complaints, suggestions ect ect on the boards, so knock you self out with giving your feedback on here. You all might even want to start a thread titled something like comments for Hasbro (Just keep the comments polite and productive).
really loving the dreadnoks i guess they got all the first ones out of the way now they can do the ones from arise serpentor arise zandar,zarana,monkey wrench, and thasher with the thunder machine this whould be a nice updated vehicle.