Already have my Zedd, but nice to see they got the silverpaint apps right on the hands for the new 2-pack.
I'm a little annoyed about having to rebuy Zedd, but Rita is vital to the collection for sure.
18 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:I really just want to get some more Villains in this Lightning collection, why are they being so stingey on the monsters.. King Sphinx please, Eyeguy, Bones, Grumblebee.. come on Hasbro
I don't think its so much they're shutting out the villains as they just can't afford to go "all-in" on them. Let's face it, you have a male buck and a female buck and you pretty much have 27 years worth of Power Rangers. The tooling for a Pudgy Pig, Dark Spectre, or even cute as a button Astronema isa lot more problematic. There just isn't as much of an opportunity to make a tool cost out. And "costing out" is an economic necessity, I don't care what license or toy company,, now more than ever.
That being said, I anxiously await a Dark Warrior figure.
I think this is pretty cool, I don't really like the facial expression personally, as well as the fact this is going to cost a fair penny here in Canada, and I don't want to have to buy another Lord Zedd, I don't want to shell out 70 bucks for a Rita figure, just because it's Rita, so I'm going to pass on this , don't even feel compelled to own a Rita , I really just want to get some more Villains in this Lightning collection, why are they being so stingey on the monsters.. King Sphinx please, Eyeguy, Bones, Grumblebee.. come on Hasbro
3 hours ago, Kenwriter said:I figured I will wait and see if they release Rita by herself since I already had Zedd, but the more I see ofthis two-pack the more I think I might get this.
Buy the two pack and sell your other Zadd figure on eBay...
I figured I will wait and see if they release Rita by herself since I already had Zedd, but the more I see ofthis two-pack the more I think I might get this.
Already have Zedd, but lets get real, that's Rita, so I have to get it.
1 hour ago, JayC said:New packaged image for the 2-pack.
They look good...
New packaged image for the 2-pack.
21 minutes ago, Dinobot said:The Lightning Collection continues to vex me. I've been trying to decide if I want to replace my Bandai MMPR figures with these, but I'm hesitant to take on a new line. Zedd was awesome, and Rita is a major want, but I'm not interested in a 2-pack (though Rita will probably come single carded, hopefully with a better head.) And I'm still annoyed that the Blue Zeo Ranger doesn't have his tonfa/axe weapons. *sigh*
I like Rita and Zed.
I probably just sell my Bandai Zed...