11 hours ago, Satam said:I think Emily and Lenny officially said Dr. Mindbender might get a regular release, but they still seem to have plans to re-release the exclusive at some point and saying that a more bare-bones figures is definitely coming would cut down on the sales of that. Considering how almost every con exclusive figure in the collector lines, going back to the original Black Series Boba Fett, has had a regular release, it's pretty safe to say that both Mindbender and Serpentor will, too, at some point.
Ahh.. I guess I was misremembering. Yeah, I mean they already tooled him. I don't think anyone else is wearing a crotchplate like Mindbender to be able to reuse his mold XD
I'm quite happy with my current Joe collection so I can wait for the cheaper option for both. The only one I really want/"need" is a new Scarlett with double elbows and and non scifi eyesore armor.
9 hours ago, Satam said:I think Emily and Lenny officially said Dr. Mindbender might get a regular release, but they still seem to have plans to re-release the exclusive at some point and saying that a more bare-bones figures is definitely coming would cut down on the sales of that. Considering how almost every con exclusive figure in the collector lines, going back to the original Black Series Boba Fett, has had a regular release, it's pretty safe to say that both Mindbender and Serpentor will, too, at some point.
The issue with most of us collectors is that we want the figures in our hands RIGHT NOW...?
They are starting to make these look to much like Marvel Legends, super heroes, wrestlers, ect. Too much muscle, really tight clothes. Most GI Joe/Cobra are average sized everyday people.
11 hours ago, MRT said:Wasn't it mentioned that Dr. Mindbender would get a regular release without the added DNA accessories. I though, serpentor would too. Something like a COIL and RAM cycle set.
I think Emily and Lenny officially said Dr. Mindbender might get a regular release, but they still seem to have plans to re-release the exclusive at some point and saying that a more bare-bones figures is definitely coming would cut down on the sales of that. Considering how almost every con exclusive figure in the collector lines, going back to the original Black Series Boba Fett, has had a regular release, it's pretty safe to say that both Mindbender and Serpentor will, too, at some point.
5 hours ago, MRT said:Wasn't it mentioned that Dr. Mindbender would get a regular release without the added DNA accessories. I though, serpentor would too. Something like a COIL and RAM cycle set.
Oh regular release Mindbender? That's news to me!
57 minutes ago, Roadpigmaster said:Wishful thinking...
Wasn't it mentioned that Dr. Mindbender would get a regular release without the added DNA accessories. I though, serpentor would too. Something like a COIL and RAM cycle set.
19 minutes ago, MRT said:Was there anything mentioned about Serpentor getting a regular release? I don't need the fancy box or added bits.
Wishful thinking...
Was there anything mentioned about Serpentor getting a regular release? I don't need the fancy box or added bits.
3 hours ago, ransomz said:Serpentor will be mine!
And mine unless they only made about 12 of them and they are one in a nanosecond
1 hour ago, ransomz said:Serpentor will be mine!
This I command... ???