So do we know what else is showing up at collector con?
2 hours ago, 80sboy4 said:I'm not a Walmart fan, especially their exclusives. If you're lucky enough to secure a pre-order for one of the exclusives then it may get canceled of if they do miraculously fill those pre-orders then it's likely that it will ship in a bag and get all smashed up. Walmart is the worst!
the same exact thing can be said for Target too (they seemed to have not shipped many thing for me in bag lately, but i have got stuff shoved in a box too small or shipped in a box too large with no bubble wrap or anything), and Amazon looovess bags as well. i read someone complaining about Amazon shipping, that the person sold glass items and Amazon handled the shipping and repeatedly shipped the glass items in bags lol
Still debating. I love prof. Indy but not sure I have space
I'm not a Walmart fan, especially their exclusives. If you're lucky enough to secure a pre-order for one of the exclusives then it may get canceled of if they do miraculously fill those pre-orders then it's likely that it will ship in a bag and get all smashed up. Walmart is the worst!
Problem with ordering toys from Walmart is you have to order half a dozen of the same thing just to get one that isn't totally smashed. Walmart has the worst packaging/shipping when it comes to toys.
Cool. Looking forward to seeing how many pre-orders of mine they end up cancelling this go-round. That's always a fun game.