Shadow Tracker looks amazing!!!! So does the Molerat. hoping Walmart doesnt cancel mine ??
So glad were getting more RoC/PoC era figures. Super excited for Shadow Tracker, PoC Alley Viper, and Helix
I really hope these WM exclusives make their way to MX. There's a lot of them that I really want to add to my collection
I just ordered the Action Force Bone Collector figure not too long ago. Shadow Tracker would look cool along side him.
Shown below via BrettlyBrett is an in-hand look at the new G.I. Joe Classified Series Shadow Tracker and Mole Rat Figures from Hasbro. These figures are Walmart Exclusives here in the USA and Shadow Tracker has yet to be listed for sale. Stay Tuned
Looks very interesting... I can't wait to see the promotional pictures of him??
Predator was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw him. I'm not familiar with the character but he has a pretty cool design.
This is a Joe I'm really excited about, this figure looks so Bad ass, always was a fan of this guy's look, he's like a Cobra Predator, really cool head display options here with this one.