2009 SDCC Day 2: Mattypalooza: Masters of the Universe Classics, Ghostbusters and More Panel *Now with pictures!*
by Jay Cochran
July 24, 2009
We are bringing you live coverage of the Mattel Mattypalooza panel here at the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con.
Are you a Mattel Matty Collector? Last year at Comic-Con Matty Mattel announced a new website to sell collector toys straight to fans around the world. This year find out the latest information on your favorite Masters of the Universe Classic, Ghostbusters, DC Universe, and other exciting MattyCollector.com exclusive product for 2009 and beyond! Panel includes an insightful Q&A with Mattel toy designers Bill Benecke and Terry Higuchi, as well as Mattel marketing brand Manager Scott Neitlich (AKA "Toy Guru") and special guests The Four Horsemen. As an extra bonus, Matty, the original Mattel Toy Guru, may even make an appearance to reveal a major announcement about a new line available nowhere else!
We will be posting updates from the panel as they happen over the course of the next hour, so be sure to refresh your browser on a regular basis. Often with these panels the information comes fast so we apologize now for any typos or miss-spellings of names that might come about during this live coverage. We will try and go back later and edit any such mistakes but want to get you the information as quickly as possible.
Available on Mattycollector.com are DC Universe, Avitar, Master of the Universe, Ghosts Busters and maybe some new lines later this year.
Bank Robber Joker, Prototypesuit Batman, Harvey Dent, Jail House Joker, Arkham Asylum Scarecrow, Solarized Batman, and Two Face will all be coming up in the 6 inch Batman Movie Masters line.
JLU Unlimited will also be available on Mattycollector, but the length of the line depends on fan interest.
DCU Classics are and will continue to be available on Matty. International shipping is available.
The World's Greatest Superhero line is also coming up. This is a recreation of the classic Mego figures from the 70's.
Matty will be carrying 12 inch Movie Masters, a new figure each quarter. Zod is up first.
Master of the Universe!
Battle stands are coming the Spring. There will be a new figure every month. With a subscription you are guaranteed to get every regular figure. There are also bonus figures that will be available from time to time but those are not included in the sbuscription.
With your subscription to Club Eternia, a $20 price, you get a special bonus figure only available to club members, as well as a specially designed map of Eternia.
Webster will be available in September. Teela is next in October. She comes with a swappable head and several accessories.
There will be a bonus figure in October - Zodak - an all new redeco, not available with the subscription.
In Novemeber - Scareglow! He glows in the dark!
For December - King Randor. Plus a bonus figure - Green Goddess, for the first time in plastic! She has a shield and staff.
January - Adora, the princess. This will the first Club Eternia subscription figure.
In January there will be bonus - removable chest armor Battle Damaged He-Man. His chest place rotates for increased damage.
February - Trapjaw! He has a bonus head and a bonus, regular arm.
February also has a bonus, large scale figure - Battlecat. He-Man, sold seperately, fits perfectly on him. His sword fits in the saddle.
March - Moss Man. He's fuzzy! He's flocked!
The bonus figure only avaialble to subscribers to Club Eternia - Wun-Dar! He will ship before March, 2010, with the map.
There will be a new figure every other month or so. Egon is up first, available on Matty in August.
In October is Ray, with the logo cost with slash circle.
In December, with ghost trap, is Winston Zedmore.
In March, 2010, Walter Peck, in a crispy update suit. He comes with ghost containment unit.
In May - Bill Murray! Peter Venkman! The final version of the figure will be wearing gloves and have pants over the boots.
In addition to the planned 6 inch line above, there will be a 12 inch Movie Masters line on Matty. Egon available later this year. Ray around the new year. Venkman will be available in April. In July is Winston.
If you want two of each figure, you will need two subscriptions and have to get the bonus figures seperately. The subscription items will ship together, saving on subscription costs.
There are no plans for mini-comics at this time.
Mattel still does not have the rights to Filmation original creations like Shadow Weaver and Lizard Man, but they are working on it.
There are no plans for playsets at this time.
Orko is coming in 2010.
Matty's Facebook page will be updated regularly. There will also be news about the lines on Matty itself.
Matty is working on expanding their overseas shipping.
Toyguru has spoken to the Barbie division about a Teela or She-Ra Barbie, so that is a possibility for the future.
Mattel is considering an Echo-1, though it will be hard to price out. Mattel is working on a feasible, large scale Stuff Puff figure.
Matty does not have the rights to the 1987 He-Man movie yet, but they are working on it.
The MOTU line is doing very well and in the future there will be original characters.
Mattel may do Ghostbusters in a different scale that would let them do playsets. That may be more likely if the new film comes together.
Mattel is working on a redo of the Real Ghostbusters toy line.
Mattel does have the rights to do Wildor, so it's a possibility. Toyguru asked if the audience would like to see a Wildor/Orko 2-pack.
Repaints of MOTU will probably be done as bonus figures, so that subscribers don't get duplicates of figures they already have.
A script is in development for a new Masters of the Universe movie.
Mattel would like to get to Prince Adam, but there is no announcement today.
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Eric -
2009-07-28 @ 1:27 am
I think Toyguru has said before that they might release Grayskull again but on a regular card. Who knows how sincere he was being, though.
synch -
2009-07-27 @ 11:30 pm
No it means matty is giving you the middle finger constantly reminding you of what you have missed and don't have! Honestly I don't know why they don't remove those as soon as sales are done
synch you were there??? That's cool!! Sucks though you and JJ had run ins with those creeps!!! I would get the money and scream help he's trying to take my toys away!!! HA HA HA. So any word on whether or not Scott addressed the scalper situation or if anyone called him out at a panel??
No I was there last year though for my first sdcc I aim to go again next year though I have a feeling that the scalpers hanging around asking other people to buy there **** to pawn happens all the time though. Has anyone from matty said anything yet about the entire limit mix up thing?
Does King Greyskull being there mean he might be coming out again?
i am realy happy to get scareglow finaly. as a kid, scareglow was the last he-man figure i had from the 80s line. mom gave everything away. i can even remember that his shoulder broke in two and i glued him every time he broke. nice memories.
yeah scalpers annoy me too see Im just trying to get my stuff by normal means tg=hen some dude buys 18 of everything and charges twice ammounts. I mean 2 is ok because hey u might wanna customs. But 7 come on!
synch you were there??? That's cool!! Sucks though you and JJ had run ins with those creeps!!! I would get the money and scream help he's trying to take my toys away!!! HA HA HA.
So any word on whether or not Scott addressed the scalper situation or if anyone called him out at a panel??
wait what if they are selling out so fast just to re-release the he mans for the movie line? But hey they cant be that lazy. Scareglow rules
I'm pretty sure the movie is a long way off. They barely mentioned it at comicon. I expect something like a 2012 release. 2011 at the earliest. 2011 would work well for them seeing as how that's the 30th anniversary of He-Man.
wait what if they are selling out so fast just to re-release the he mans for the movie line? But hey they cant be that lazy. Scareglow rules
I think when they release another Skeletor it'll have Keldor head. I didn't even think of Zoar coming with Teela.
Can anyone make out the prices on the battle stands?
I wonder if SyClone is a possibility for 2010?
OK caps off. Is everyone happy with whats coming out? I already listed the ones I want to see in my original post. Which ones do you want to see? Someone already said that their glad to see the never made figures. I would like to see more of the traditional figures.
Well, if they could only make one figure beyond what's been shown, I would want Evil-Lynn in her 200X color scheme. Beyond that, my most wanted are Kobra Khan, Leech, Grizzlor, and Man-E-Faces.
I felt the same way at first, but I'm still really excited about him. Battle Armor He-Man just edges him out for me because He-Man is my favorite character. But Randor looks outstanding. I like that they were faithful to the original but added some 200X flair to him. And the coloring is great. I'm not even a big fan of Randor or anything like that. They just did a great job with him.
Yeah, when I read that Randor was the figure for December, I wasn't really excited...then I saw the pics. Now I want a Keldor to fight him.
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