I saw it Thursday and I thought it was great! A funny movie that has a few moments that hit me right in the feels. I hope we see more of Shazam in the future.I also hope we get an import or a Mezco Shazam, that would be cool!
I had the chance to see an early fan screening through WB, but I couldn't get the day off so I'll have to wait and see it, which is fine. I'm really looking forward to this one. Before this movie was announced, if you asked me what DC superheroes I thought should get their own movies I'd say Orion and Shazam. Now we just need an Orion movie, come on, DC!I think DC is on the right track, and they're ahead of the curve in a way. DC reps have said many times they aren't as concerned with doing a shared universe. I'm sure some films will be in the same universe, but there isn't one big story to tell that links all the films together. But Fiege from Marvel has said that after Endgame that'll be the case at Marvel as well. I think it's a good idea for DC to have the freedom that Marvel never had to tell elseworld stories and even tell stories with a few iterations of the same character. Like having the Pheonix Joker film and having a more classic Joker in another universe. I guess it's all about personal preference, but this is what DC should be doing in my opinion. Telling elseworld stories and one off films that don't need to be connected to each other, but a few that could be. Then later down the line, you can expand one of those universes more than the others, but continue to tell the elseworld stories too.
I never really had high hopes for this movie, Ill still watch it but I wasnt one of those people who was hoping DC got back on the right track after this movie, heck I was expecting nearly nothingwith Aquaman and was still disapointed (even though I knew what I was going into when I saw it) at this point I onnly keep going to watch DC movies to the theatre to support comicbook movies as a whole (same as the x-men movies), I dont expect anything form them but In my opinion if I dont support them a little soon theyll stop making comic book movies, also if these do good in the box office even if they arent the best movies it gives us a chance to get less know character movies from other companies like Dredd did, the Spawn movie hopefully we'll end up getting, Hellboy and hopefully more of characters that arent of the big 2 Comic Studios
Really looking forward to this one.
?i will be checking this movie out.looking forward to it.
Loved this movie!. Lot of deep cuts if you grew up reading The Power of Shazam or the FawcettCaptain Marvel comics. I do think there's a little bit of weirdness where the characters seem really well versed in stuff they never learned about, but maybe the scenes showing them find those things out messed up the pacing. Hope we get deleted scenes on DVD if that's the case.
7 hours ago, krashman5000 said:"There is one after-credit scene which, like the rest of the movie, is fun."
At my showing there is 1mid credit & 1 after credit scene.
You are absolutely right, the second one totally slipped my mind but actually is more important. I updated the review.
"There is one after-credit scene which, like the rest of the movie, is fun."
At my showing there is 1mid credit & 1 after credit scene.
I just got back from the Fandango Preview Screening. I really enjoyed the movie. I think they did a great job of fleshing out the characters of Billy and Freddy, and even Sivana.
I would say the CGI was a bit iffy at points but that didnt really bother me. The humor was great and there were more horror elements than I anticipated.
Overallit was a lot of fun.
And just to be clear I did enjoy the movie but if my review seems more negative than it should for a movie I liked, it's probably influenced with my overall unhappiness with WB and their seemingly lack of a real plan for a DCU. I guess I am spoiled by Marvel but if these movies don't lead you to something bigger its hard for me at least to get as invested in them