Much better episode tonight. The teenage drama seemed like it was well handled, and Yolanda looked better as Wildcat than in the promotional photos. The direction was also better in general, but that shot of Courtney's ass near the beginning, if Brec Bassinger was actually a fifteen-year-old girl, would be a crime.
I have been enjoying every episode thus far including this one(it has already aired in Canada which I found somewhere umm yeah).
Although Wildcat's costume is bad. Those cheekbones on the cowl just look bad. Then the cat paw design on the feet are ridiculous & not needed!I'm beginning to wonder if that janitor is Dr Fate. He seems to know Courtney or at least what she is doing.
Last night's episode was pretty lame, but if this episode is written by the same James Dale Robinson who won an Eisner for writing Starman comics, this one might be good. Although he did also write the screenplay for The League of Extraordinary Gentleman movie, so....