"I'm extremely thankful to Amazon for the support and dedication they've put behind Invincible," said Kirkman. "The comic book is truly a love letter to a genre that Cory (Walker) and I grew up reading and loving, and it's been a gratifying journey to watch our characters come to life again through the animated series. We're beyond excited to continue this story for at least two more seasons."
"Invincible is a crowning example of how a fresh and edgy approach to the superhero genre can resonate with audiences around the globe and we're so glad that Invincible, one of our earliest investments in the adult animation genre, has accomplished just that," said Vernon Sanders, Co-Head of Television at Amazon Studios. "Robert's no-holds-barred storytelling coupled with a first-class voice cast delivered on fans' wildest expectations and we're thrilled to be giving them more Invincible."
Yes it's obvious and intentional rip off show, but stories invincible tells are the stories dc and marvel cannot tell or wont tell due to purity of status quo and PG rating, invincible isn't afraid to cross the line and what we get is surprisingly entertaining show that doesn't seem evena bitstale, whenDC andMarvel can't produce adult oriented animated tv shows on this level which is realshame for big two, I guess Young justice was closebut got too convoluted. and like The Boys that were also an Amazon and Seth Rogen production, it remixes and improves source material, by which we getsuperior product
Yeah Buddy!
The only thing better than animated torture porn, is animated torture porn from a guy whose sole claim to fame is a cookie cutter rip-off of crap Romero did nearly 60 years ago.
The only thing better than animated torture porn from a guy whose sole claim to fame is a cookie cutter rip-off of crap Romero did nearly 60 years ago, isanimated torture porn from a guy whose sole claim to fame is a cookie cutter rip-off of crap Romero did nearly 60 years ago, based on the comic he "wrote" which shamelessly ripsoff every comic book this guy has ever read.
Bob Kirkman, you are a trueinspiration to an entire generation of lazy, unimaginative millennials.
Great News....
For a Great Show....
"Kudos" Deserved!!! =^)
Oh man that final episode
this show is the best.
New posters...
Well they better be, because I know this upcoming season finale won't be the end of the story, and I Love this show! man what a great ride it's been. This show is fantastic!
awesome news, this show is excellent! I never read the comics but I would see it advertised everywhere when it first came out. I assume it is as good if not better than this show. Awesome that they are making more! Just dont run it into the ground like TWD!