There are few upsides to divorce, but one is owning your own home so you can indulge in a room dedicated to comics & collectibles!
Fours ago I had the good fortune to find a local comic shop, HiJinx Comics in Willow Glen, CA, willing to purchase nearly my entire comic book collection. This was no small feat, as at that point I'd been collecting for 28 years. Once the transaction was complete, I dived into the world of Hot Toys. My first purchases were: Cap in his stealth suit from "Winter Soldier," the first Iron Man armor from "Iron Man 1," and the suitcase armor suit from "Iron Man 2." I was hooked immediately on the detail and design skill. Since then I've slowly built my collection. It's a geeky goal, but I'd love to own a single Hot Toy from every Marvel movie to reflect the depth & breadth of characters brought to the big screen. It's also been enjoyable to select the right display cases. I considered a few at Ikea, but ended up finding one that works very well via Overstock. At this point I'm eyeing the Rescue armor from "Endgame" and 'Mandalorian with The Child' as my next additions.
Also, a kid I went to many comic shows and amassed a nice group of character sketches. I like how they're near the Hot Toys to reflect a transition from page to screen.
Of course, I'll never stop loving comics. So I'm lucky to have all my graphic novels accessible in the same room;. Lastly, it's enjoyable to display action figures, too. From the Marvel universe diorama I built after seeing displays at San Diego Comic Con, to a handful of amazing pieces from NECA's outstanding movie licensing work. The Power Loader for Ripley is especially a favorite, as well as having the Batman armor from "Predator vs. Batman" come to 3-dimensional life.
'glad to share this with fellow collectors, and always enjoy seeing how others display their collections, too!
Oh man that is a nice setup! I really love your original art all over the room. I collect original art myself. What are some of the pieces you have there? Which one is your favorite/best? My favorite piece in that room is that uncut sheet of Marvel trading cards series 1. Man that is so nice framed!
2 hours ago, No1WonderFan said:Very nice. I'm curious where you got the chess board and cover for (I believe) the Eaglemoss pieces? I've been wanting to do a DC vs Marvel one for a while.
Thank you!... Yes, those are Eaglemoss pieces. I always wanted a DC / Marvel set but never liked what I found. When I discovered the Eaglemoss figures, they fit the right scale & detail I'd wanted....'had good fun figuring out which JLA and Avengers lineups to use. I ended up going with what felt 'classic' to me. Then adjusted the Avengers lineup to better align with the movies...........and the board / cover were created by someone I found online who made custom boards. He crafted the cover too as he hadn't done one before and wanted to try it, so long as I was ok knowing it was his first. .. win / win!
Man that is one impressive collection.
Very nice. I'm curious where you got the chess board and cover for (I believe) the Eaglemoss pieces? I've been wanting to do a DC vs Marvel one for a while.
2 hours ago, GojiBill said:I love it, so clean and crisp. Truly appreciate and understand how these rooms offer some peace. Glad you were able to regain something positive.
"clean and crisp" are descriptions I was totally going for, thank you!! ....'my kids live only a few minutes from my house and the ex and I are perfectly civil to each other. All is well.
I love it, so clean and crisp. Truly appreciate and understand how these rooms offer some peace. Glad you were able to regain something positive.
6 minutes ago, SpiderS said:Thats a great looking room!Divorce can be devastating, thats why we always need our own shelter where we can relax, recharge,feel calm and just get feeling of joy just by looking at your figure collection,which also does sound supercheesy but nonethelessstill true.
Very true! and thank you for the kind words, too.
Thats a great looking room!Divorce can be devastating, thats why we always need our own shelter where we can relax, recharge,feel calm and just get feeling of joy just by looking at your figure collection,which also does sound supercheesy but nonethelessstill true.