Cool Collecting Spotlight - Building MagnaPrime's Nerd Cave

by Jay Cochran
March 5, 2023
What's the point of building an awesome collection unless you can show it off to everyone? Because of that we've launched a weekly segment here on Toy News International where we spotlight you the reader and that cool collections you've put your time, space, dedication and love into building up.

For this week's edition we are spotlighting MagnaPrime who gives us a look at their collectibles for Transformers, Star Trek, MOTU and more.

Check out images below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.

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MagnaPrime - 2023-09-18 @ 3:11 pm

So it's autumn, which means it's time for the villains to take over the nerd cave. Thus started shortly after the skeleton collection. Truth is I found an excuse to get some great figs. To this day, I just love the feel of a MOTU classics figure in my hands. BUT it occurred to me that these villains were basically archetypal monsters. Hordak was a vampire, Evil-Lyn a witch... etc. I know Ceratus, Draxus and... chibollah? Are technically good guys. But orc, yeti, and gargoyle fall into the spooky season category. Wasn't able to ever afford a motuc trap jaw or beastman, but the Master verse ones will suffice. And I do love my soccer scarecrow. If they ever release a life Foundation symbiote five pack, may w more villains will appear around spooky time someday.

MagnaPrime - 2023-08-06 @ 2:28 am

Okay folks, I think it's time for the BIG one. For some reason this is the part I'm most stoked about. I got Brawn added today and that filled it out just enough. The Transformers collection. I know I've done the cons, some specific bots, and some of the larger bot displays. But this is something I never would've believed I could have as an adult when I was a kid. Starting at the top I have Alpha Triton with Vector Sigma.

Then to his right is a very small Beast Wars display. It began as a goal to try and get all the auto ot/maximal leaders. Then I decided to also get the original Avalon crew as well. Glad I did, I actually really like cheetor and rhinox.

Moving down I have my 1986 shelf. Not every bit but it's a good movie bot display. I know that's not 86 kup but it's my favorite kup. And blur is good enough for me too.

Then l, with metal hawk above them I have my JG1 display. I cannot believe I own a victory saber and a daily atlas (even if the big powered set isn't perfect). I know I also don't have God Ginrai, but I always preferred metal hawk as the leader to Ginrai, especially with him becoming victory Leo and being included with victory saber.

Then it's the G1 84-85 crew below them. I have five to go and that's all the noncombiners I need to have this whole crew. I never, EVER, would've believed this was possible. In addition I have impactor prepping the European coca and a small sub shelf where I'm trying put characters from other incarnations. Presently prepping prime, animated, G2 and Cybertron.

Honestly I know these are all modern and there are more impressive displays and collections out there. But I'm loving this. These characters all scale pretty well, something that I am still sorta giddy about. And most of these I actually have fun transforming. Plus my three year old has fun taking getting me to take them down to play with them.

MagnaPrime - 2023-04-26 @ 2:26 am

Now let's talk about this shelf.tjere are a lot of memories here. I got ironhide on a trip to visit my great great aunt in Nebraska. I distinctly remember driving him on her coffee table. I was about two.

Mikey was my first ninja turtle figure. I got him visiting an aunt in Atlanta. I was really sick. You remember when you get tossed in an ice bath to lower your temperature. Mom got him for me to help me feel better. Squishy head version, wish his nunchuku had survived.

He-man and battle cat, not sure exactly when I got them. Mom used him as the cake topper for a home made cookie cake. Id have likely been five, maybe six. Mom and Dad have some fun stories about me and heman. Watching the secret of the sword with me in the theater, evidently when he said by the power of grayskull every three year old and under in the theater, self included, pumped their fist into the air and yelled I have the power. One of my earliest memories is actually a giant castle grayskull in mall, within which they had ALL the toys laid out and we heard a battle story from heman and skeletor.

The silver surfer was my first case of FOMO. Id passed on him at the KayBeeToys at the mall a few times and then could never find him again. Finally when I did I snapped him up. About aonth later, they came out with the vac metal edition. In retrospect, better off having this one. But at the time... C'mon man!.

Like everyone my age, I was all about the 89 baan film. It was the first time I'd ever seen a movie in the theater more than once. Dad took me and his dad to see it again because of how much he enjoyed it too.

I'm not sure why, but for some reason there's a connection between silverhawks and toys r us in my mind. I sold off the others I had a while ago, but bluegrass was always special, and he is still in great condition. And that leaves us with my vintage Lion-o.... Nuff said?

MagnaPrime - 2023-04-22 @ 2:15 am

Alrighty, so this is going to be a bigger one. For the longest time, I was really just a specific character collector. I simply collect too many lines and have too tight a budget to go all in on stuff.

So let's start with this small collection. I'm missing MP and Action Master tracks (you'll see wfc soon). I loved the 84 Vette body style and then the flames paint job on that toy... Just... Chefs kiss man.

Okay but this is tiny and you've already seen Wheeljack and hot rod/Rodimus shelves. So I don't collect any cons it would seem.

Wrongo. There is one con that is clearly superior to all the others. Growing up, action master soundwave was my version of the character. I loved seeing him finally return in Cybertron and thought the twist animated put on the character was great. And, I mean, come on y'all, cyberverse. If you know you know.

That's not the end of it though. It wasn't until the 25th anniversary edition that I finally got a proper G1 version of soundwave, even if he has the sound blaster chest. And yes, that's a genuine world's smallest transforming soundwave and ravage is still complete.

But there's one other character I had to collect.

I'm not sure how I could've avoided this one. I remember saving and saving to be able to get that power master Optimus figure and opening him up and playing with him on the kitchen floor as a also quite glad to have a couple of Orion pax figures as well. By now, some of y'all are probably going, "that's not much of a collection there". Well ya see,I kinda ran out of shelf space. My first was the movie edition of G1 prime in 86. He arrived late for Christmas that year and I had a note from Santa telling me my big present was coming. When we got home from my grandparents he was waiting on our front step that evening. I was so excited, my mom couldn't open the package fast enough. This was the source of some arguments with my sister as she just wouldn't play with him right. She kept having him marry barbie with dumbo officiating. C'mon, someone here knows my pain right? This was the trickle of collecting that I never really turned all the way off, as I got most of these when they came out.

Okay, like I said, that's a big one. Man when I started I just didn't know how much I had and how many stories and such came with them. It's one thing to have it all in your brain but writing it out is really spotlighting it.

MagnaPrime - 2023-04-20 @ 3:30 am

The nerd cave isn't solely devoted to action figures. I wanted a way to show off some of my other stuff as well. I have a lot of autographed comics that I never get to enjoy. And when I got a signed Frank Weller and signed Peter Cullen comic, I had to display them. Along with the Jim Cummings sig on DW#1. I've basically decided that I'll be collecting voice actor signatures on comics it seems, at least from now on. There's a couple figures that just made me laugh. I wish I could've scored a sgt slaughter from the motwweu line but ah well. My favorite old MOTU book is up. I still need to get my signed Dare to be Stupid CD on display somewhere. Yes that is a Kevin Eastman TMNT sketch, a Larry Hama snake-eyes sketch, and a Herb Trimpe wolverine sketch. Might as well include this more random shelf here. This was a sketch I had Tim Seeley do back when he was on the Joe books. Homaging the 77 Star Wars poater. If I knew them what I know now, I'd also have had him do MOTU and Thindercats. But I was kinda broke at the time. This is the ninja shelf. Though sadly it seems ill never get a reptile to go with scorpion and subzero. I'm gonna keep hoping I see ninja force Scarlett though, someday. ?

MagnaPrime - 2023-04-20 @ 2:46 am

Thanks, the guard collection does capture attention pretty quickly.

Now we move to the greatest toy find I've ever had. I got this fortress maximus at a Ross for $30. The fact that with Sureshot coming out next year means I'll be able to get all of the headmasters, well the autobots anyway, is just cool. I never thought that would be a thing. It's also a spot to put some vintage up, as I just didn't feel a need to replace my clones.

Funny story about the clones. The stickers are wrong. It was the first time I got to put them on by myself and I somehow mixed up their sticker sheet with my vintage highbrow.

On the other tower I have the amazingness that is Omega Supreme. With this display I was focused on showcasing bots from different series. So we have the Unicron Trilogy, RID01, power core combiners, and some others here.

LordVenger - 2023-04-15 @ 4:21 am
On 3/20/2023 at 11:19 PM, MagnaPrime said:

Well, since we are going with #motumonday been savinfg this one. So at a con, several years ago, I got a good deal on a couple of skeletor motuc figures. And I thought it would be a fun way to decorate for Halloween. I had my vintage one. I grew up with battle armor skeletor. And I got the 200x skeletor. I was a big fan of the MYP series, which landed when I was in college. But with that splurge I started a collection. I decided to get every MOTUC skeletor. With masterverse I'm going to be cherry picking (why on earth did they make the 40th anniversary one an exclusive). I'm still getting some of the origins figures. (Wish I'd gotten the reissue one they did around 2003). Now if I can just get them to give me an origins disco skeletor. The filmation one is signed by Alan Oppenheimer. Oh and the Netflix CGI series is a package error, labelled as trap jaw that I found in the wild.

Love old bonehead.

On 4/2/2023 at 8:16 PM, MagnaPrime said:

You know the problem with doing this is, I keep adding stuff and so pictures are going out of date. Ah well, finally have a hot second.

So let's show off the Royal Guard collection. Im also TR8285 of the 501st Legion. For years I was the merchandise and branding officer for the Sovereign Protectors detachment. At one point I was able to actually claim I'd made as much Royal Guard stuff as Hasbro with the pins, patches, coins and shirts. Plus the art at cons, rare to find but I found enough that I've got a wall full. And the large shelf doubles as a display of the funkos for shows the wife and I enjoy, my small Chopper collection, and some of her Harry Potter Legos. Honestly, hard to really display it all properly in the format, kinda just have to see it. From my muppet chicken guard to my Dave dorman sketch cover, to a lot of royal guard themed patches to my first one, the POTF guard that I got when I was a kid. It all started simple enough, and it just kept growing.

Crikey that is one hell of a Royal guard collection. Im addled by it. So amazing. I remember the 501 being at dragon cons I attended years ago. Fun stuff.

MagnaPrime - 2023-04-14 @ 12:06 am

So in honor of the diamond selects darkwing duck series, I'm going with this part of my collection. I can't even really explain why, I just love cartoon ducks. Still waiting on count duckula pops. It's a smaller part of the nerd cave, a fella has to have some limits and such. But it's a really fun part corner in my cacophony of comic themed collecting.

MagnaPrime - 2023-04-06 @ 2:40 am

Time to start on the bulk of my collection. Deep down, I'm a transformers fan first. I wasn't going to get into the new figures but Ross sucked me in. There are a couple vintage figures here that I didn't feel a need to upgrade. And some from a few different eras. Honestly, the thing I love most about the current figures is that they scale with each other. But some of these characters still fit in very well and I'm rolling with it. Got dirge on preorder, and hoping for Ramjet. Plus add bombshell and I'm willing to call the deceptions generally completed. This is an autobot house after all.

MagnaPrime - 2023-04-03 @ 12:16 am

You know the problem with doing this is, I keep adding stuff and so pictures are going out of date. Ah well, finally have a hot second.

So let's show off the Royal Guard collection. Im also TR8285 of the 501st Legion. For years I was the merchandise and branding officer for the Sovereign Protectors detachment. At one point I was able to actually claim I'd made as much Royal Guard stuff as Hasbro with the pins, patches, coins and shirts. Plus the art at cons, rare to find but I found enough that I've got a wall full. And the large shelf doubles as a display of the funkos for shows the wife and I enjoy, my small Chopper collection, and some of her Harry Potter Legos. Honestly, hard to really display it all properly in the format, kinda just have to see it. From my muppet chicken guard to my Dave dorman sketch cover, to a lot of royal guard themed patches to my first one, the POTF guard that I got when I was a kid. It all started simple enough, and it just kept growing.

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